
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Two Down, One to Go!!

I received my second dose of steroids today,
and I was able to visit many of my blogging friends during my treatment.
Have I told you lately how much I adore my IPad?!
Everything went great, my last dose is tomorrow, at 4 p.m.
Thank you Kim, I love and appreciate you more then you will ever know.
Kim is my favorite nurse at the MS Center,
but please, don't tell anyone.
She is kind and loving, beautiful both inside and out.
Her genuine concern for my health,
well being and happiness are unmatched.
CentraState Medical Center is without doubt the
most amazing hospital in New Jersey.
Inpatient care, Out patent care, Emergency Room, The MS Center
the food they serve...
and all the special activities they sponsor.
They have Craft Shows, Jewelry Shows...the list is endless,
today they had a Farmers Market.
I watched from my window as I received my treatment,
and as crappy as I felt afterward, I had to check out the local produce.
 Jersey Tomatoes
from Hauffman Farms
Apples and Peaches
Dilly Beans
Here's Debi and her "Honey"
Not the guy, he wasn't "sweet" enough, she had real honey.

There were also lot's of home baked goods.
So what jumped in to my bag, you ask...
One huge Jersey tomato,
 for grilled cheese and tomato sandwiches tomorrow.
These gorgeous plums...
and this "too cute for words" Honey...
can you handle how adorable that jar and label are??
I am not sure if I will eat this, or just stare at the cute little bottle!!


  1. Two out of the way--yay! I'm glad you were able to visit the Farmer's Market--what a great thing to have on the grounds of the medical center! Those tomatoes look so good. Larry loves cheese toast with homegrown tomatoes.

    Get some good rest!

  2. you make me smile. :) i can totally see you keeping that honey unopened for as long as you can stand it. :)

    nice you got to stroll among the goodies. i'd have passed on the tomato, definitely passed on the plums, but i'd have gotten some nectarines or apples or something. :)

  3. You have this amazing ability to make everyone smile and feel good no matter what is going on in your world. You ROCK Miss Debbie. AWESOME shots and I love that jar. HUGS HUGS B

  4. That honey in the bottle is adorable...that man...looked like he wasn't sure what YOU were up too:)))...Looks like a wonderful market Debbie!! You r amazing girl!!

  5. Que bom te ver já terminando a última dose amanhã desse tratamento. Lindas frutas, tomates, potes de mel! abraços, fica bem! chica

  6. That honey jar is a real keeper. The Farmer's Market looks well stocked with good things. You're a trooper!

  7. Glad there was something to brighten your day! Really cute jars of honey and nothing beats a good tomato!!

  8. The label on that honey jar is simply beautiful!!! Enjoy those tomato and cheese tomatoes!!!
    Thanks for your kind words!!

  9. You are amazing, my friend.
    You have a spirit that is indeed rare.

    I am glad that you had some really wonderful goodies to look at while you were getting your treatment.

    You hang in there, Sweetheart! xo.

  10. After dealing with your treatment, I am glad you had some fun time. Thank you for sharing all these great things with us Debbie :)

  11. Debbie,I am happy that you got to treat yourself after the treatment. You sure deserve it.

  12. isn't it so fun to go looking for the good in a tough day...and then finding it?!!

  13. Seriously, even THIS Philly gal has to admit there is NOTHING better than a Jersey tomato!

  14. Boy does all that produce look good! That honey bottle is absolutely darling!

  15. Glad you have such a nice place to receive care! That produce looks amazing! Much nicer than what's usually in the store.

  16. Good for you!!!! Technology is amazing! Medical as well as the kind that gave you your IPad!!!
    Farmers Markets are just beautiful. I don't go often so I especially enjoyed seeing yours!!

  17. I like the Farmers Markets photos!
    Greetings from, RW & SK

  18. How nice the farmers'market is within view. It is something healthy to look forward to after your treatment. Life is harad but you are tougher. Hang in there and keep blogging. xo Jenny

  19. I sure do miss those Jersey tomatoes!
    I'm sending a hug, can you feel it...

  20. Like the swallowtail in your previous post, Debbie, you are hanging in and enjoying life. You positive attitude cheers us all and those Jersey treats did so as well for this native NJ-ite.

  21. Those are some good looking produce! I am glad you have your iPad and I hope you are feeling better soon!

  22. Good looking produce yes. Great takes. I had to laugh at your remark about not the guy he is not the honey, still laughing.

    That was a great remark.

  23. Beautiful produce. I am sure that nurse thinks all of the same things about you.
    I bet the love to see you because I bet you brighten up their days.
    I will continue to pray.

  24. Hi Debbie, it makes all the difference to have someone who is a caring person treating you isn't it?
    My those tomatoes look wonderful and as for that honey, yummy :))

  25. Hi there, sweet blogger friend! I just had to pop in from my blog break to say "howdy" and tell you that I was glad you felt like taking these gorgeous shots after your treatment! I sure hope you're feeling stronger and much better real soon! Take care. (((Hugs)))

  26. Wow a farmers market at a hospital, that's different. I'm glad you were able to take it in. I'm afraid if I were there the "baked goods" would have found their way into my basket! That honey does look pretty.
