
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Finding Beauty...

where you'd least expect it!!
I am back to CentraState Hospital,
for three more doses of I.V. Steroids.
At this point, if I where an athlete, using anabolic steroids,
I would be a man.
I take the other kind of steroids, so first I will get fat,
then I will have "zits"
and last but not least, I will be "difficult" to live with.
They call that side effect "mood swings".
We'll get Chucks take on that at a later date!!
As I walked toward the entrance to the hospital, I spotted this...
gorgeous Black Swallowtail,
who was more then willing to pose for pictures.
Everyone else walked by, no one even noticed this gorgeous butterfly,
or the beautiful colors in the Butterfly Bush!
But for me, this was a life changing moment.
I took this picture of the Yellow Swallowtail
as I left the hospital today, I will go back tomorrow.
He's a little torn and tethered, a lot like like me I guess,
but he was so happy to be flying free from flower to purple flower!


  1. Tears welling up a bit. THIS is what photography/blogging/noticing these precious bits all around has done for me too. It changes the yuck to yum...the blah to beautiful...the ok to over the top!!! Sorry about those side effects...give Chuck a big hug from me for taking those mood swings as a challenge to keep you laughing!

  2. So sorry about your need for the IVs, but am blessed by your ability to look for the good in every situation! Lovely shots!

  3. I am so sorry you have to go through this, but I also know that your wonderful spirit will get you through.

    Please know that I am thinking of you, and keeping you in my prayers.

    These photographs are absolutely beautiful! xo.

  4. Oh you my dear friend never surprise me with the beauty that finds you. The Swallowtail no one noticed but you is typical of the kind of person you are. You always see the beauty that others miss. That is why you are so special and can get through anything. Those steroids will never change that even with the mood swings you are loved by a wonderful man who will not notice. Keep being and seeing those things that get overlooked. Xxôo Many HUGS my dear Debbie. B

  5. Oh you my dear friend never surprise me with the beauty that finds you. The Swallowtail no one noticed but you is typical of the kind of person you are. You always see the beauty that others miss. That is why you are so special and can get through anything. Those steroids will never change that even with the mood swings you are loved by a wonderful man who will not notice. Keep being and seeing those things that get overlooked. Xxôo Many HUGS my dear Debbie. B

  6. aww, sweetie, this was wonderful. you find joy, no matter what. and nature tries to give it back to you when you need it most. bless you and your hubby, too! i hope these drugs help you, dearie. chuck'll just have to deal with the 'roid rage as it sets in. :)

  7. You are an inspiration. I love that you will stop and capture the beauty,even on your way to a medical treatment. That show the true heart of a nature lover.

  8. Debbie, this is beautiful. YOU are beautiful. Your spirit sees the goodness and the beauty that others miss, and you pass it on to the rest of us. I've got you in my prayers and my thoughts!

  9. I am sending you big hugs. I love that you find beauty in everywhere you go.

  10. Well, if it's any consolation...I get zits and am difficult to live with and I can't even blame it on steroids :). Seriousy are in my thoughts and prayers. Hope you feel everyone's healiing powers coming your way my friend.

  11. Wow, how lovely butterfly's.
    Just like a luckystar, you catch some lucky butterfly's :)

  12. Debbie, you are such a trooper with all you have to go thru. And I am amazed at how well you do it all. I am sure Chuck knows exactly what to do to make you feel better too. Keeping you in my prayers, I hope you feel better soon. Wishing you a happy day!

  13. Isn't it funny how we notice the beauty around us so much more when we're down than up... Lovely pictures, Debbie. Feel better my friend. xx

  14. What gorgeous images!!! I would say "anything to delay going into the hospital", but that swallowtail would have stopped me anywhere!!!!
    Hope you are feeling better soon!!
    And the chickadee is something else, too!!!

  15. Beautiful! You have a wonderful way of finding the beauty around you. Steroids don't sound like a lot of fun, but I have a feeling you'll find the sunny in the gloom. I'm wishing you much happiness.

  16. If we seek nature's beauty, we will find it everywhere we look. I hope you feel better soon!

  17. Fantastic butterfly and pictures.. Congrats and greetings from Spain..

  18. Excellent shots - I too got some pictures this past weekend of a yellow Swallowtail equally torn and tethered - must be a rough year for them. Hope you are doing better.

  19. Exceptional photos. I hope you will soon be feeling chipper.

  20. He's absolutely beautiful. Isn't it amazing where one can find beauty that can be so easily overlooked? So sorry to hear you are not feeling well! Oh, and I prefer torn and tethered over shiny and new any day!

  21. Hi Debbie...So beautiful like yourself ,and a sign of encouragement, and a moment of distraction as you had to have this treatment!!
    Love endorses all things, so Chuck will have to put up with you !!

    Very encouraging post for us all!

    {Big Hugs}


  22. Hi Debbie...So beautiful like yourself ,and a sign of encouragement, and a moment of distraction as you had to have this treatment!!
    Love endorses all things, so Chuck will have to put up with you !!

    Very encouraging post for us all!

    {Big Hugs}


  23. Debbie, I love how you always find the beauty in everything you see. Your photos are fantastic.
    Praying that you will feel better soon.

  24. Beauty in the commonplace. Only you would notice and photograph such a beautiful scene. Feel better soon,
    I will be praying for you,

  25. Debbie, I am so glad to have met you thru your blog, i love your posts. I have also been on steroids with my ulcerative colitis. You have to do what you have to do to take care of your body. You are a blessing in my life and a reminder of the greater picture. The butterfly was there for you, a gift for you to share with us. Thank you for sharing your life experiences! Bless you for blessing me...

  26. Sending you some hugs and also dedicating a post to you.

    Your butterfly shots inspired me today. They are beautiful.

  27. OMG, I so loved these pictures; they were just beautiful. Would you mind if I copied one and used it sometime on my blog. I will put you as the author of it. You take such fantastic pictures. You find such joy in nature; and it has rubbed off on me. I am taking more time to smell the roses.
    I do hope things go well for your medical concerns. I do know what it is like to have mood swings. You will be in my prayers.
    Blessings and hugs!
    Thanks for your comment on my bird pictures. I will get a book; because I am fascinated by them.

  28. These are awesome shots! Very beautiful! Glad you had your camera.

  29. I feel like butterflies are little love notes sent from God....just little reminders of how much He loves us. You just keep acknowledging His love...He is with you!

  30. I love the first picture.

    Such a "clean" one.
