
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Youngin's, Peaking In...

I was so excited to catch this adorable, juvenile
American Robin 
Female Red Winged Black Bird
peaking in the window with so much curiosity.
Many thanks to my good friends Theresa at The Run Around Ranch
for helping me identify this bird! 
These two are juvenile American Robins,
that hang together in this tree,
and one young American Robin,
in the front yard, munching on the berries of the pretty Cherry Laurel.
June 8, 2013


  1. the first one looks different - almost like a young blackbird or something. not sure. but the little robins are adorable!

  2. Great shots of your birds, Debbie. The first one does look like a female RedWing Blackbird.

  3. Oh now after reading the comments I am wondering what kind of bird the first one was. I will be back to see.
    Great photos Debbie I love the youngin's their colours are very interseting. I do hope it is a Red Winged Blackbird I love them and have never seen a young one. B

  4. picture #1 and picture #2 are of the same bird, taken seconds apart.

    i think i should publish a bird book of babies only, to help us bird lovers i.d. these cuties!!

    and that = i have no idea what the first bird is!!

  5. Yes you have to publish a book. I'll be the first to buy it! I'll drive you around to look for babies to photograph :)

  6. Czasami sie robi piękne zdjęcia ptakom, a później jest problem z rozpoznaniem ich. Dobra jest więc pomoc przyjaciół. Pozdrawiam.
    Sometimes it's done beautiful pictures of birds, then there is a problem with their diagnosis. Good help is so friends. Yours.

  7. HI Debbie...Sweet-tweet's !!
    Love you baby pictures!!; )

  8. Fabulous shots of the youngsters! We've had some baby robins around here lately. They're funny looking when they're little!

  9. I always enjoy bird-watching with you. Bonnie

  10. oh, that last one is one of my favorite's ever. Something about the blending in...hanging out. Just love it!

  11. Such cuties. We have young robins and RWBB. I am pretty sure that top pic is a RWBB too.

  12. Our baby robins are still being fed in the nest way up in the tree!! I will have to try to photograph them when they get pushed out.

  13. So sweet! And yes...a baby bird book would be an awesome idea!

  14. They are adorable, Debbie!
    I always love your bird photographs.

    Happy day to you!

  15. Very pretty and excellent shots.

  16. Your photos of the baby Robin are incredible Debbie. Such a darling little bird.

    Happy Day to you,
    An English Girl Rambles

  17. We have 3 new baby robins that hatched on Monday. My 3yr old gs has been keeping an eye on them for days from a far. He was so excited to see the tiny birds with they mouths going.
    Great photos

  18. They are so cute great shots of the little ones.

  19. hi sharon....i have been unable to contact you or to find your blog to leave a comment on!! do you have a blog??

    many thanks for stopping by, and for the sweet comments you leave for me!!
