
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

It Was Hot, Hot, Hot!!!

This weekend the temperatures soared at the Jersey Shore.
We saw mid 90's and humidity, inland.
It was not even enjoyable to walk around the yard
and take pictures of my beautiful blooming flowers!!

The pool company opened the pool on Saturday,
the water will need a few days to clear up,
so we were not able to enjoy a swim in the pool.

Not wanting to spend Sunday indoors, we headed to the beach
where the temperatures were a tad different,

about 25 degrees cooler on the boardwalk in Spring Lake.

This boardwalk is popular with the locals,
the work is complete, the new boardwalk is done and it looks beautiful!

On nearby Lake Como,

the sea gulls were hanging out on a newly formed sandbar.

There were lot's of pretty Mallards,
swimming around in the gorgeous blue waters.
We rode the bikes in Long Branch where they have a dedicated bike path,
had delicious Chinese food at the Red Orange
and headed for the home front, exhausted.
But not too tired to enjoy one of these,
from our favorite Bakery in Spring Lake,


  1. Sounds like a perfect day! I love the photos of the seagulls and ducks. And I'm so glad about the new boardwalk!

  2. We had unseasonably hot temps last week too. Love your mallard shots, and the cookies look yummy!

  3. glad you had a heat escape!

    (yes, i know you said i didn't have to comment...) :)

  4. It sounds like you had a lovely day in spite of the heat. Those cookies look fab!

  5. I enjoy seeing pictures of the beach and the birds,but the cookies did it for me today. Yummy! I NEED one,or more of those and a cup of coffee. :)

  6. oh that cookie will be perfect For me now. I just finished two pixs up on my blog. You got me to go to the kitchen. Nice reminder.


    Your pictures are fab and so beats what it is like here.

    This is June and it is wear coat and winds tempt. Brrrrrrrr

    You can take a dip in hot weather, lucky you.

  7. Oh Debbie now this was the post I was waiting for the photos are fantastic and I can almost taste the cookies they are so close... I can bite them....ouch my nose:) Hug B

  8. I am glad you got to go someplace cooler and the photos are just lovely. I am so glad the boardwalk is finished it looks so nice.

  9. Those are such beautiful photos that you take. I sure did enjoy them. It has been really cool here and windy.
    Your cookies look so yummy.

  10. Perfect! This sounds like such a fun day - and great way to escape the heat! Beach, bikes and cookies all in one day? Awesome!

  11. Sounds like a perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon! Love the shots of the mallards.

  12. Hey didn't I read this post before? hee hee. Oh those cookies look so good. I haven't been to Spring Lake I love the look of the boardwalk. I can't wait to see it!

  13. Hi Debbie Great idea going to the beach to cool down a bit and in doing so, you got some good shots but the cookie did for me. DELICIOUS, Yum! Yum! Margaret

  14. Debbie a visit to the beach on a hot humid day is great! I love the gulls and ducks. The cookies look yummy. Have a great day!

  15. Not so patiently waiting for some heat here. Glad you have it and have been out enjoying June. Love that mallard and those cookies look wonderful!

  16. A 25 degree difference is huge! Glad to see the new boardwalk! Love all the gulls!

  17. I lost everything I read in today's blog, when I spotted those cookies. Were they as good as they looked?

  18. Are these peanut butter cookies I am seeing here???? OMGoodness, yum!!!

    It was a hot one here this past weekend too, but you'd never know it was spring today, as this morning when I started out on my run, it was just 36 degrees! Brrrrr.

    The shore looks so beautiful Debbie. I would love to live close enough to be able to photograph seagulls. There is just something about them that I love.

    Happy day to you!

  19. I hate it when I hit the wrong button and post something before I am ready!!! At least you can edit it and finish it...
    I love that mallard! And the cookies look delicious!!!
    I love the photos of the horse - stubborn creature!! At least the deer was more cooperative!!

  20. You found a wonderful way to enjoy a hot, hot, hot day!

  21. I've heard about The Scone Pony before, but never checked it out - definitely will now!
