
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Our Maiden Voyage...

You heard it right kids,
on Saturday, we finally got out for a ride on these...
and it was amazing!
It was a gorgeous day and a wonderful day to be outdoors.
Lunch was first, at our favorite Deli in Manasquan,
Center Food Market.
 Much to my surprise, there was a large craft show going on
behind the Deli, were I purchased...
this beautiful liner for the basket on my bike.
Score...Purple and butterflies, I love it!!
It does a great job protecting the Nikon!
We rode here, on our favorite bike path at 
On Sunday we celebrated Anthony's 2nd Birthday,
it was a super fun day with our family.
He just loved this Thomas Train toy we bought for him!!
Spring is here and I could not be more excited.
I am cleaning today, but, I am not excited about that.
I would much rather be blogging...oh wait, I am doing that also. 
My attention span is similar to that of a "gnat"!

Monday, April 29, 2013

What About Purple?

Has that thought crossed your mind?
Where are all the "Purple" flowers from your trip to Longwood Gardens?
Well I'm glad you asked.
I saved them all for today!!
So here we go...All the Purple from our trip on April 24th.
I love day trips, we had the most amazing day.
We visit Longwood Gardens several times a year.
We have never been disappointed.
Do you enjoy day trips?
Do you tend to return to the same places over and over
or venture out to explore new places for your trips?

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Ashley's Scavenger Hunt #42

This week's prompts for Ashley's Scavenger Hunt photo challenge are,
Walking, Yummy to my Tummy, Favorite Toy,
What I Did This Week & Anything
Wild Turkey
Yummy To My Tummy
Best Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies ~ Ever ~
I know your drooling Sis!!
Favorite Toy
My Nikon
What I Did This Week
Is there anyone who does "not" know we went to
Longwood Gardens this week??
A Hibiscus
My favorite image from my Longwood Gardens Adventure
Sharing all of today's images with 

Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Trees in Longwood Gardens

Surrounded by the beauty of all the spring flowers,
it might be easy for some people to overlook the magnificent trees 
growing in Longwood Gardens.
Here are a few of my favorite trees from our trip on Wednesday.
The hubs and I, enjoying the Red Buds!
I'm not sure why they are called "Red Buds", they are clearly purple.
This entry is for my dear friend Theresa,
she has such a love and appreciation for magnificent trees.
T, this one's for you!! 

Friday, April 26, 2013

Six Words Friday ~ Flower ~

Waking Up
Feel The Sun
~ Flower ~
Please stop by and share Six Words with Adrienne
Images from April 24th at Longwood Gardens

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Longwood Gardens in Spring

Finally...A road trip!!
Yesterday, the hubs and I headed to Longwood Gardens
in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania.
If you have never been, you have to go, it is truly amazing!
Here we are...
shorts and tee shirts, it was that kinda day!
You know, the gorgeous kind!
Right now, the gardens are a sea of tulips,
surrounded by lush green grass and stunning blooming trees.
This display made me feel so happy...
like summer has arrived.
Here, the aroma will make you sit for a spell!
In the Idea Garden,
the tulips look like patchwork quilts!
This image shows all the gorgeous Forsythia, blooming in the backdrop.
You really do have to see it to feel how amazing it is.
We had a wonderful day...the Best Day Ever!
I'll be back tomorrow with lot's more!!
p.s.,  I Love That Guy!!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I'm A Lobster Lover

Are you a Lobster Lover?

How about a Lobster Roll from the Jersey Shore?
A "lazy" lobster lover's dream come true.
All the good stuff, with none of the work!

Do you fancy lobster bisque...I think this is the best I have ever had.

This little hot spot was all about the food.
Paper plates, plastic ware and ice tea from the bottle.
But the food was amazing!

With a new store, two locations,
we were in Bayhead, I thought we were in Point Pleasant...oops!

Shore Fresh Seafood Market
if your ever at the Jersey Shore, you should go.

Lifes been a little slow here on the home front but we always eat good!
There's nothing like fresh seafood, right off the boats
here at the beautiful Jersey Shore!
April 15, 2013

Monday, April 22, 2013

From Mellow to Yellow

Just like that...on April 17, 2013

The hubs and I spent the weekend trying to "Find Fun"!
The sun was shinning, the sky was blue,
but it was a little chilly for "outdoor" fun, around 50 degrees.

We loaded the bikes, it was too cold to ride.
We walked at Allaire Village and had some great dinners out.

So it was kind of a slow weekend for fun...
I can't wait to ride my bike!!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

A Snowy Surprise

I could see it from across the lake.
For sure an Egret by the shape and color
but I knew it was too small to be a Great Egret.
At only 24 inches,
it revealed just a peak of it's "yellow galoshes". 
It's a gorgeous Snowy Egret, the first time I have seen one.
White body, black bill...
black legs with bright yellow feet.
Lake of the Lilies in Point Pleasant Beach
New Jersey
April 15, 2013 on a ride with the hubs.