
Monday, January 21, 2013

Getting Organized

This entry won't be for everyone but I happen to love it!
I think organizing and cleaning my home are fun,
and I am finally at a point in my life,
where I don't hide it any more!
I have added a few wonderful Organizing Blogs to my reading list!
I Heart Organizing
The Lettered Cottage
Centsational Girl
They have inspired me to roll up my sleeves and tackle a few projects.
First I'll share the fun stuff!
Pretty fabric box from Christmas Tree Store
New CoolPix Camera
Holds the new camera with accessories that the hubs bought me for Christmas.
It's purple and everything fits perfectly!
My next project, organize my memory cards.
This will be difficult for everyone to understand,
but this is how I save my pictures.
I buy memory cards!!
This project did not take as long as I thought.
I viewed & dated each card, then noted how many pictures were on each.
I know there is a better way to save my pictures, but I just don't want to learn.
I get these cards at Costco, 2 for $20.00 and this system works for me.
and all the cards fit perfectly in this
pretty box I already had that was empty!
I cleaned and emptied 1/3 of my china cabinet
as it's not coming with me when I move.
I cleaned and organized my scrap booking supplies in to these two
big chests that will be coming with me.
Here's what they look like inside,
I have an unhealthy relationship with scrapbook paper.
I bought a yard of pretty purple fabric,
to make some sort of top for this basket,
otherwise the contents get too dusty!! 
I purged 5 large bags of garbage and it felt great!!
I have a list and I plan on finishing it!!
So what have you guys been up to?
Is there anyone else out there that enjoys cleaning & organizing?
Beating winter boredom with a few good projects!


  1. I love to organize as well...when I have the time. Oh I wish I were close enough for you to go through all my scrapbooking stuff. I was so into it a few years ago. Now....I'm not! I use a lot of it at school and for the year end books.

    Now to the important question....did I miss you are moving????? Update, please. Hugs! Bonnie

  2. I am like you, I finally admitted to myself that like you I too love cleaning, and arranging and getting organized. I like knowing that even if no one else ever sees it, it gives me such a nice bit of sanctification.
    I love your new little camera and I like all of your boxes that you have to store things. It all looks very nice Debbie, you have been really busy.

  3. That was me this fall! I LOVED IT!!!!
    And I think your photo organizing works - cause how easy would that be to grab and run with should you ever need to! The only thing I would change about this post is the word 'unhealthy' ... IMHO you have a very, very healthy relationship to scrapbook paper!!

  4. Me, I purged last year. I have to purge this computer I have very little memory left,,,, ok, so the computer and I have something in common.
    This year I'm.......just laying around in the 'lizard lounge' Luv Ya!

  5. Way to go, Debbie. You're doing a great job. I love to "get organized" too. Only problem I staying organized. ;)

  6. I must have missed something. I didn't know you were moving! Where are you going?

    I am a super organizer, cleaner and a perfectionist, and I love it. Most people think I am nutso, but I am happy. Hubber's suggested that I become a professional organizer!

    I put all my photos on memory sticks, and a backup hard drive. Scrapbooking and card making supplies take up a whole room...but it's really well organized!

  7. As long as it works for you that's all that matters. I'm impressed you went through all those memory cards! Congratulations on the new camera!

  8. I love organizing and cleaning!! It's just hard...when your renting... I'll be glad when we are settled again:)!!

  9. damn well haven't been cleaning or organizing. :) good for you, though.

  10. I admire you. You're a great organizer.
    All ordered as described ... great.
    I send greetings.

  11. I started a cleaning/organizing project then got the flu which I'm just now recovering from. So that set me back. Right now, I just want to enjoy feeling half way normal again before jumping back into the organizing.
    I like your idea to save your photos. Whatever works best for you, I say. I put my photos on a stick.
    Do you know yet when you'll be moving? Part of me wants to move, too. After hubby retires. Part of me never wants to leave. I'd miss so much here. It's hard to know what to do!

  12. I love to organize, but I don't do it too often. I tend to organize after I've "let things go" for awhile.

    You organize with class though.

  13. I have been doing the exact same thing you have. Cleaning, organizing, and purging unused things. Better to do it now rather than in the spring when it is nice and I'd rather be outside.

  14. Looks like you are making good progress. I really NEED to do this as well and have started in one closet.Now if only I can get motivated to continue.

  15. That's a lovely collection of storable boxes. I need to get organized around here. I've made a start but have a ways to go yet.

  16. How neat that you have a purple camera! I missed the "moving" part too. Love little storage boxes of any size and shape.

  17. you really made that look easy - the hubby keeps telling me maybe it would be easier to just leave them on memory cards instead of the computer. i'm still thinking on it. i can't make up my mind??! too tough!! i love organizing ... makes life so much easier. ha. ha!! love your purple camera. so girlie!! love it!! ( :

  18. Hi Debbie...God bless you my child you will come to your senses soon I hope.. Na just kidding haha!!
    I do the fly by the seat of my pants method...if I am look for something in a draw or closet or what ever and the what to heck am I keeping these things for hits me...look out's purge time!! ; )
    I just packed up correctly my Christmas decorations and throw out a bunch of decoration I don't use!
    It is a good feeling and I am admiring you clever idea, and am coveting you purple camera..It is so you...what a Hubs : )
    ♥ Grace

  19. I'm starting my spring cleaning early this year--I've started going through cabinets and closets too. I like tossing and getting rid of things--it's just amazing what we collect!

  20. Bless your heart!
    You can manage to make organizing things look both beautiful, and easy.

  21. I love organization, but right now I have no urge to do it. BUT, good for you! I'll have to visit those blogs you mentioned.

  22. Hi debbie. I love to organize and clean. If I had to pick a business to open it would either be: a. a wash and fold place (love doing laundry folding clothes and ironing) and b. a organization company. Love these 2 things. I hate clutter and my home to be a mess. Something I learned from my Mom. Thank you Mom for that. Have fun tackling the rest of the house hold items.

  23. I was in a purging mood today and threw 1/2 my kitchen away. I take spells where the clutter just overwhelms me!

    I love the idea of keeping photos on memory cards, too smart! I might just have to start doing that myself.

  24. Good for you...getting organized! We bought some bookcases and cabinets today. Now that we have room for more storage, I'm hoping to be more organized as well! So, your moving? You're not leaving your beloved Jersey shore, are you?

  25. I do not enjoy it, but I've been doing a lot of purging and organizing the past few weeks. Almost ready to do a home tour on my blog!

    I love how you've organized your camera!

  26. A place for everything and everything in its place, if not, throw it out! That's my motto. I love organizing!
    I also love collecting scrapbook paper. Too bad we didn't get to know each other better at school, Debbie...

  27. Oh, I am so with you on this one. I have so many projects. I plan to just go slow and do one at a time. However, my biggest problem is just getting started. Thanks for the link; I will check them out. I loved the tutorial of how you are doing things. Blessings to you!
