
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Ashley's Scavenger Hunt #32

This week's prompts for Ashley's Scavenger Hunt photo challenge are,
Basket, Park, Auto, Recycle & People Watching
Bald Eagle, atop his Basket/Nest
This cute little Red poll lands and Parks on the exact
same branch, every, single, time! 
Don't miss Santa driving his Christmas Tree home!
Hanging outside, waiting to welcome guests!
People Watching
The hubs and I had so much fun watching this
cute Russian couple swimming in the Atlantic Ocean on
January 19, 2013.
Yep, that was yesterday...they were just adorable!

Thanks so much for enjoying all my images today.
I took all new pictures this week & had tons of fun with the prompts!

I'm sharing today with Ashley's Scavenger Hunt Sunday



  1. I was first awestruck with the eagle shot...amazing. But then I got to Santa's truck and FELL IN LOVE!!! I want to see who drives that beauty! My imagination is running wild. :)

  2. Debbie, I love your eagle shot! And the truck with Santa is wonderful. And your birdhouse is so cute! I can not get over the people at the beach and in bathing suits, it is cold out there! Great collection of photos. Happy Sunday!

  3. Crazy Russians!! haha! What's that bald eagle's nest sitting on? LOVE that you got him sitting on the nest! And that little red bird - what lovely coloring. He must come cause he knows you're waiting for him. Our "auto" shots kinda match!

  4. That eagle shot is amazing!! All of your captures this week are great. I want that truck!! Cute couple swimming and the little bird at the park is too cute!

  5. That eagle shot is wonderful!! Stunning capture!!

  6. They were swimming, yikes ! And that basket is so wow because of that bird, it is your national bird ! and park pic is so cute. I liked your photos very much !!!!

    Have a nice week !

  7. Swimming... in the Atlantic... in January... in Jersey? WoW! The weather really IS very strange these days! Unreal!
    Love the truck & of course, Santa heheheee

  8. The eagle shot is awesome. The Russian couple are too cute!

  9. My favourite is the eagle in it's basket nest. Have a wonderful day.

  10. so jealous on that eagle!!! ugh!

    and i'm gonna carjack santa for that truck. ;)

  11. As always a treat....thank you! Bonnie

  12. Greetings from Finland ! Thanks for your comments :)

  13. Greetings from Finland ! Thanks for your comments :)

  14. Such an amazing set!!! Love both bird shots. And the swimming shot is fun too :D

  15. I would have thought the couple was participating in a Polar Bear event. Wasn't the water a bit chilly? your BASKET shot is amazing. Nice set.

  16. Wow...I love all of these shots but that eagle's nest takes the cake for me.

    That is just a great shot and share. But I like that old pick-up too!

    Awesome series this week...happy hunting next week! :-)

  17. Ocean looks great...June can't come soon enough!That's when our family beach trip is planned.

  18. Awesome set of photos. Those silly Russians! lol! I just love observing other people's traditional practices - even when it is strapping on a bikini and charging into fridge water.

  19. I've never seen an eagle in the wild. That is awesome. And what's up with that Russian couple?? Insane.

  20. A great series of shots! I love your little bird house. A tad cold for swimming isn't it?

  21. Love the nest!! And swimming... a tad cool?

  22. Terrific set! Love the basket one especially.

  23. Gniazdo orła w taki miejscu, niesamowite. Zażywać teraz kąpieli w morzu, to odwaga. Pozdrawiam.
    Eagle's nest in the place, amazing. Now take a dip in the sea, is courage. Yours.

  24. Great set.
    Your Eagle in it's basket/nest is awesome.
    Santa and his Auto is funny.
    Those Russian's in the ocean...Nuts! Was the water warm at all?

  25. Love the eagle photo! That's pretty awesome! The truck is fantastic! I love old vehicles like that. Great photos this week, Debbie!

  26. Wow I guess as far as Russia goes this may be considered balmy weather:)
    Great shots love the eagle. B

  27. HI Debbie...You are very good at this aren't you ; )!
    Great stuff here with that Eagle nest...I think they believe man makes these places just for them LOL!!
    I can not believe those people are in that water ..what is wrong with that picture hahaha!! ; }
    ♥ Grace

  28. Wow, love that eagles nest! What is it built on? Love the red truck too. They are all great for this weeks prompts.

  29. Wow I can't believe that mad face on that bird. Gosh, I feel just like that some days. It always makes wonder about birds who always land on the same branch every single time.
    All of your photos are just lovely today and I can't even imagine getting into that cold water. :)

  30. That eagle shot is amazing!! I, too, love watching couples in love. :)

  31. I love the expression on the red birds face. Great!

  32. Great job with the Scavenger Hunt. Oh my goodness...they were swimming YESTERDAY!?

  33. Oooh - wasn't it cold to be swimming in the ocean??? You're in NJ, right?? BRRR!
    I mentioned you in my post today ;)

  34. i love the old truck & the bird house. great week. ( :
