
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A Fan Favorite

This pretty young female cardinal has been hanging around the yard,

this is her favorite tree.
Isn't that cute, that she has a favorite tree!!

Her tail is almost always fanned out.

I think this is a young bird, because her beak isn't orange,
I'm not sure why I think that!!

She's so cute and fluffy,

it's difficult to see how tiny she is but she is t.i.n.y.

and poor baby, she always looks so hot,
I wish she would find the bird bath!!

In my heart, I am linking to World Bird Wednesday!!


  1. Awe no WBW sigh. What a cute bird!

  2. She does look a little flustered!:-) Cute pics!

  3. I love the way she looks so fluffy with her tail feathers fanned out. You got some really good shots.

  4. Dla mnie kardynał jest ciekawski i chyba kogoś woła. Urocze zdjęcia. Pozdrawiam.
    For me, the cardinal is a curious and perhaps someone is calling. Lovely pictures. Yours.

  5. She is cute. I love that fanned out tail.

  6. Oh Debbie! She is just adorable! She looks like she's all dressed up with no place to go.

  7. Reminds me of "Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul. And sings the tunes without the words and never stops at all." Your bird made me smile.

  8. so cute. and PERFECT title, dearie! :)

  9. I think you may be right about it being a juvenile. Love the fanned out tail! If you're interested, you can include this in Wild Bird Wednesday at

  10. Love these pics of this little cutie!

  11. Looks like maybe it doesn't have all it's grown-up feathers yet. So cute!

  12. She's a cute little gal. I love to see them puffed up like that.

  13. Beautiful photographs, beautiful birdie. I am greeting

  14. She is so gorgeous. And she's singing for you? Love to see her beautiful tail spread. Most fantastic you feel better!!!!!!!
    Hugs marijke

  15. She is beautiful. She will find the bird bath all in due time. Maybe she doesn't feel she needs a bath yet. Her makeup may come off.

  16. So great shots without peanuts! :)) And I could use such tail myself in the hot climate!

  17. Awe she is such a cute wee bird. You do get some amazing shots of the birds in your area. :)

  18. She is a pretty little thing! I love her fanned out beautiful tail feathers. Your title is wonderful! I hope she finds your bird bath soon.

  19. She's very cute! I've been putting the sprinkler on in the yard for the birds--gees, they are soooo hot. It's fun to watch them come and cool off, take a drink or a bath, and just sit under the water. I've been doing this nearly every day for them. I think they need the water.

  20. Hi Debbie...It is so hot here, I'd like to fan my tail too!! "Whew" lol!!
    Insults aside..."your cardinal photos "cute as the dickens"!!
    "darn where did that old saying come I am going to have to give in to my addiction ...look out Google here I come!!
    Grace ..your up!!

  21. That is cute. You get the best bird shots!

  22. Debbie, Cute shots of the juvie Cardinal. Love the cute tail fan.

  23. Such wonderful photos. She is a little beauty.

  24. She is pretty, she has a lot of color doesn't she?

  25. My dear friend ... today is my late beloved Dad's birthday. How I miss him!!! I frankly don't feel up for much, but "oh its my purple friend let me check her out at least, she usually has something" - how you have blessed me! My Dad used to feed the birds. My Dad used to call them "boids" ;) as in "I'm going out now to feed my boids, they're waitin' on me" -- and then he would stand there, very still, and whistle to them in the same pitch they used. I don't know how close his birds got - he used to say he would do so to keep his car clean, lol! When I first moved to Virginia and he saw that a cardinal was the state bird, he was very excited - this, my dear friend, was one of his favorite "boids" <3

  26. No wonder its his favorite tree, he looks good there. His colors blend in nicely with the forrest green color of the tree.

  27. That IS one fluffy cardinal, isn't it?!


  28. ohhhh, what a sweet little bird! I think she's proud of her costume! :)

  29. Very cute little bird and these are just wonderful pictures.

  30. Oh goodness she is cute. So fluffy and that fanned out tail is really neat. You got some really good shots of this little bird.

  31. Isn't God's creations wonderful. I love the pictures of this sweet little bird.
    Blessings to you and I loved this one.

  32. Is it wrong that I love that you know she has a favorite tree??!!!
