
Monday, July 16, 2012

Barn Charm #45

This is the fourth image for my Norwegian Barn Charm Series.

It looks like such a peaceful place.

Another image from my childhood friend Maggie
 who lives in Norway now, isn't that exciting!

Just in case you missed the first three Norwegian Barns
and you are interested, they can be viewed here, here & here.

Sharing today with Tricia's Barn Charm
Please stop by Bluff Area Daily to see all the amazing,
charming barns from all around the world.

And many thanks to Maggie from Norway,
I am looking forward to seeing you next week in Jersey!!


  1. what a striking image - red, white, and blue. :)

  2. It really does look very peaceful in Norway... how does she like living there? How are the locals?
    Beautiful barn & capture!

    Thank you, Debbie & Maggie! =)

  3. Love this setting and the red. It really looks like a barn right here in the USA.

  4. Such a lovely setting, makes me wonder if there is quaint little cottage behind the barn.

  5. Ohhhh, I like that barn! The peeling red paint and the white doors...yup! The background doesn't hurt, either.

  6. When the weather is getting better overhere I go to a large agraric farm of my friend and show you her farm. It's beautiful. Growing grain, potatoes and onions. No old beautiful barns to show but new ones. I like your old colored ones better.

  7. I thought about you and your barns yesterday evening when I was driving home from Houston. I passed a lot of barns! I may take pictures one day when I am not in a hurry to get to where I am going. But since these were all on the Interstate it's not easy to pull over! I should travel more on the country roads........

  8. That barn is in a lovely setting right beside the water. It does look lovely and peaceful.
    How exciting for you to be seeing Maggie again. Hope you have fun!!!

  9. That is so beautiful! I am really enjoying your series of Norwegian barns. Tell your friend thanks!!

  10. That is a peaceful scene! I love the peeling paint!

  11. Beautiful climatic place. I am greeting

  12. This is a very old, abandoned barn that is no longer used.

  13. A barn next to a lake...that is a little unusual. Don't think you see that much. Pretty!

  14. i hope you realize how much i enjoy each week looking through you friends work. a friend from NJ who is had a friend in Norway. too cool. what a view. so close to the water. maybe for a dip? or for the animals? enjoy your week Debbie. big hugs. (:

  15. I like the lighting in this one...

  16. a nice red barn, looks like it could easily be american!

  17. Beautiful photo and a lovely barn!

  18. A lovely looking area. Great barn, weathered, but standing on.

    Noteworthy Musings - Barn Charm #94
