
Wednesday, June 13, 2012


are reptiles -- kin to snakes, lizards, alligators and crocodiles.
They carry part of their skeleton on the outside of their bodies.
Some local species have a lifespan of up to 80 years,
making them very special indeed.

 This is an Eastern Painted Turtle

I just love all the pretty wood they hang out on!!

A meeting of the minds,
here you can better see the orange underside.

These pretty white wild flowers
were growing in the stone along the water.

These pictures were taken on May 8th
at the Manasquan Reservoir, while the hubs and I were riding our bikes.


  1. there's just something peaceful about turtles sunning themselves on logs and rocks. :)

  2. The orange tummy on the turtle was such a surprise. Love the pretty white flowers too.


  3. Love the turtles...the snakes and lizards, not so much. Lovely white flowers too!

  4. I have spotted some turtles where I walk - they love to sunbathe! There aren't any with color that I've seen yet, but I'll keep an eye out. AND - on a side note - I AM GETTING A TELEPHOTO LENS FOR MY CAMERA TOMORROW!!!!! DON'T KNOW IF I'LL EVEN BE ABLE TO SLEEP TONIGHT!!!!!!

  5. You have captured them great Debbie.
    A lot of people keep them in a terrarium overhere and when they don't want them any mory they drop them in the wild. A lot of them don't survive our cold winters. The white flower could be a wild rose maybe.
    Have a great evening

  6. Thank you for that little lesson on turtles :) So cute.

  7. Well, you know I adore turtles! I love the orange underside. Bonnie

  8. Debbie, thank you for visiting...
    Floating turtles ? for me it's interesting photos.
    Beautiful white flowers...

  9. Love those turtles! And those pretty white flowers are wild blackberries or dewberries as some folks call them. The berries won't be very big but they are very sweet.

  10. I love how you always know where you were and what you were doing. Great pictures of turtles.

  11. Love the turtles, Debbie. So you did have a sunny day for the turtles to sun themselves. The flowers are pretty too, great shots.

  12. Beautiful photos! The turtles I most often see are Red-eared Sliders. I'm afraid I don't know my turtles that well, anyway. I normally have to look them up.

  13. My goodness those lifted my spirits tonight - lovely. sandie

  14. Sweet photos! Love the turtles sunning themselves.

  15. Nice photograph, fine views. I am greeting

  16. What awesome pictures! Love the turtles tummies. Beautiful color!
