
Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday Fences

I found this adorable garden on an outing last Sunday,

in Ocean Grove, New Jersey,
Ocean Grove is an adorable Victorian Sea Side Community,
that is also home to "Tent City".

Now how cute is that fence??

This post is suppose to be about the fence,
but look at that watering can!!
The sign out front said "Starving Artist".
According to our GPS it's
Day's Ice Cream Shop, it reopens on May 13th.

We did find an ice cream shop that was open, Nagels.
This was mine, Coffee Mud Pie, it was amazing!!

I ordered a kids cone...

The hubs had this, vanilla ice cream with lots of other yummy toppings,
they put them on the bottom!!

They had tables outside where we sat and froze our butts off.
I wanted to sit outside and sometimes I am just a tad stubborn.

Sharing with Jan and Jer's Friday Fences


  1. Cute watering can...and I'm drooling over that ice cream!

  2. You, stubborn? Can't imagine it! Your cone looks amazing! I love iron fences - really anything wrought iron actually...gates, window grates, railings. I'm doing the TGIF dance over here!!!

  3. Unique! Putting the (ice cream) toppings on the bottom. They don't fall off, that way! ,-)

    "No great thing is created suddenly."

  4. that watering can is too funny. the ice cream looks delish!

  5. i'm loving the fence. but that watering can is awesome!! i want one too. you know i love you to pieces. but so not fair to show ice cream & not share. i want some. was it at least so yummy good?? ha. ha!! (:

  6. Starving Artist is a restaurant & Day's Ice Cream is deeelish! I enjoy a walk around the neighborhoods when it's warm & sunny but before all the craziness of summer! Never noticed that watering can though so it might be new.

  7. Love that watering can. Nice find! And I am all over your ice cream cone choice. It's probably what I would have gotten. I like the idea of the toppings on the bottom. That's where they taste the best.

  8. What a beautiful the watering can..and the ice cream looks mmmmm=D..have a nice weekend my friend.

  9. I love that watering can...the fence is really nice, but that can sure catches the eye!

  10. that is so cute and coffee mud pie? you had me at coffee!

  11. Hi Debbie...Yes it is me..: }
    Well I think the watering can is winning over the fences day..coming in second is the ice cream....nobody said anything about "freezing your butt off", but not a bad idea after eating ice cream!! ; }}}
    Have a lovely warm weekend

  12. That's a cool watering can and all I can say about the ice cream is yummy!!!! Did it taste as good as it looks? :)

  13. Great watering can! Certainly gets your attention...and it even has a purple spout! Boy that ice cream looks good!

  14. I LOVE that watering can and ice cream! sandie

  15. Just love that giant watering can! Debbie, I am so happy to be able to visit you. I tried for the past few days, but a page kept popping up saying that your blog no longer existed :0 I even tried google searches. I have heard that some bloggers have been having trouble with the new interface.

  16. Hi Debbie, I love that watering can, very cool. But, my favorite is the ice cream, looks yummy. Is that really a kids cone, it looks big? Hope you have a HAPPY weekend!

  17. You, stubborn? Love the watering can and now I want ice cream!

  18. Love your over-the-fence shots!
    Yummo icecream too. Ha ha, it's fun getting your own way sometimes... even if the price is a cold bum (butt) ;D)

  19. I love love that artsy watering can! The ice cream looks simply delish!

  20. That just makes me chuckle. You froze while eating ice cream.
    I think it would be worth it so yummy.
    I loved that watering can, that is just awesome.

  21. I know this post was to be about fences,but I say,bring on the ice-cream.Both servings looks delicious.

  22. That fence is great Debbie, but it is the watering can that I am in love with. And of course the ice cream too!!
    Have a wonderful weekend my Friend!

  23. Garden is very cute, and the ice cream looks yummy.

  24. Garden is very cute, and the ice cream looks yummy.

  25. LOVE the fence! ADORE that watering can! It's all very charming, and I enjoyed seeing the garden (AND the ice cream...good thing I just ate! :-) )

  26. By the way, WOW! I love your header photo!!!!!

  27. Don't try to tempt me with some ice-cream.


  28. I like the fence and watering can, but I love the ice cream better!

  29. Great idea to the garden, ice-cream in such hot days it is very joy. I am greeting

  30. Ocean Grove is a blast-from-my-past. I have adored that old Victorian town since childhood.
    No cars were allow to drive on the roads on Sundays.
    I hope it hasn't changed it's charming ways, thanks for the memories.
    Be well and happy, Debbie.

  31. The ice cream looks scrumptious. Love the fence, but especially the watering can!

  32. Adorable fence yes! The watering can is great and I too would have wanted the ice cream , both look delicious. (I'd have sat inside though, hate being cold!)

  33. Gad, those ice creams look good. I can't remember the last time I had ice cream! Love the fence pics and the watering can!
