
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Rural Thursday Blog Hop #6

I am all over the place today and I have not left the house,
I suspect you all know what I mean!

I have started much and finished little!!

My "do list" had been recopied and it looks marvelous,
nice and neat, yet nothing has been crossed off.
Still I feel accomplished.

I did get this done today...

The "Tree"
for all the patriotic holidays that summer has!!

Here's a zoom in of the top...

and a closer look at the bottom!!

I forgot to put this on my "to do list" so I stll can't cross anything off.

This is my DIY project that I am sharing with 

and because there are so many hearts on the tree,
I am sharing with Clytie at Random Hearts
where Clytie is featuring one of my pictures today!!
Exciting stuff!!

Please be sure and stop by these amazing blogs,
you won't be disappointed!!


  1. No! No! No! you're moving too fast! I haven't even done anything spring-like to my house yet! I keep meaining to make a wreath...oh well. It'll be months before I'm thinking summer - I'm wearing a sweater, warm socks and loafers up here today! LOVE that your gooses tail feathers are wagging on another blog...well worth it! Love your cheery tree! Off to do some oh-so-exciting work errands!

  2. You are certainly ready for summer! You're putting me to shame...again!

  3. YAY!!! I am saluting your patriotic tree!! We are going home tomorrow and I am going to pack away Easter and haul out my red/white/blue!

    Love, LOVE, love your tree!!

  4. I love love love that tree - great idea. sandie

  5. It is always nice to get something like that done.
    I am not ready for summer at all. :)

  6. It's definitely a tree worthy of a 'hearty' salute!!! I had to look twice to see the hearts ... and I'm still not sure I saw them all!!!

    As for the 'to-do' list ... I definitely thing it's worth a re-write to include this awesomeness! As a 'closet lister' I have been known to write down something I already did ... just for the satisfaction of crossing it off!

  7. You are way ahead of me don't feel like you haven't done anything...You are ready for summer.....
    I too love that tree....I need to find me one to decorate for my grandchildren...they would love it...

  8. I absolutely LOVE your tree! You always decorate it so adorable :)

    My poor To Do List just spills over into the next day. It seems I never get everything accomplished that I need to.

  9. So cute and patriotic in red white and blue.


  10. Very cute, but I think you should add it to your list so that you can cross it off. :)

  11. Oh my goodness. I can't believe you have your tree done for the 4th of July. I did put away all of my easter stuff , but the bird houses are still up for Spring.
    Beautiful tree. One day I will have one of those.
    TFS. Ana

  12. Why do boring stuff when you can decorate a tree, that's what I say. And I think you should sneek it onto your list just so you can cross it off. :))

  13. Hard to believe it's that time of year again! So very cute, Debbie. Thank you, dear one, for sharing at Rural Thursdays. :) xoxo

  14. That is pretty! You are all ready!

  15. I love your cute patriotic tree. The beanie babies and buddies are adorable. I have the same beanies here but without the tree. You are ready for Flag Day, Memorial day and the 4th of July. I feel really behind. LOL! Have a great weekend!

  16. What a neat idea, Debbie.
    I love it!
    Sending you wishes for a wonderful weekend!

  17. Too cute--I'd say you had a "good day. Remember the saying,"It all doesn't have to be done today". Have a great weekend. Mickie ;)

  18. I love your "tree" idea!

    I say, put it on your list...and then cross it off...I do that all the time!!
