
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Living at the Jersey Shore

I can't imagine life without this...

The gorgeous beaches in Manasquan, New Jersey

and the inlet, only 10 minutes from home!!
It looked like this yesterday,
even in frigid temperatures, the boats come and go.

The seagulls fly overhead,

and willingly pose for pictures!!

The calm water brings me comfort!!

The Herring Gulls were floating,

and soaring!!

The view was breathtaking,

and full of surprises!!

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Please stop by to view all the amazing birds from around the world!!


  1. I love the flight shots of the gulls. Such beautiful birds.

  2. Gulls are incredible flyers!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  3. Fantastic vieuws and photo's must be lovely living nearby the coast.
    Have a nice week

  4. Great photos, Debbie! The scenery is beautiful and you did a fantastic job on the gull flight shots!

  5. What wonderful flight shots!! Great captures.

  6. Wow...those in flight captures are magnificent! But honestly...I don't like gulls...whenever I see them at the shore or boardwalk I want to yell "INCOMING" and dive :)


  7. How lucky you are to live so close to such a beautiful area. Our place is within walking distance to Lake Michigan beaches. There is just something about being near the water. Lovely photographs, Debbie!

  8. Wow, Debbie! Outstanding captures! I'm glad you found some calm. :)

  9. As I sit here trying to get warm I view your wonderful images..
    Oh how I would love to be there with

  10. A little bit of paradise there Debbie! Terrific captures.

  11. Wonderful shots Debbie. Your gulls are knock outs. The coast is very beautiful but chilly looking. The river has frozen here as of yesterday and the snow has been falling all day. Time for a hot tea and WBW!

  12. That is awesome. It must be so nice to be that close. We have to drive about 3 hours to get to the beach.

  13. These pictures are incredible but I keep saying that to you don't I....The sea gulls are beautiful....Maybe when I grow up..hahaha I will be able to take pictures like you....OH I wish....

    What kind of camera do you use?

  14. Wow, what wonderful photos. YOu are definitely good at capturing those special moments.

    Happy tuesday.

  15. Debbie, The seagull photographs are breathtaking. Good to see you. I have been out of town and trying desperately to catch up with everyone. Hugs! Bonnie

  16. Oh how I do adore the beach.

    Soooo, very far away from the Ponderosa. {{{SIGH}}}

    It's truly winter here today and I'm huggin' my fireplace. 'Just sayin'...

    Have a brightly blessed day sweetie!!! :o)

  17. Lovely in flight shots ... just wish I lived closer to the coast.

  18. A great set of photos - especially the birds in flight. I also love the sea shore - wouldn't want to live anywhere else!

  19. Lovely photos, Debbie. You got great shots of the gulls in flight!

  20. What absolutely beautiful photos. One day it is my dream to live that close to the ocean!

  21. Great job on the gull shots. Love them all :)

  22. Hi Debbie, your shots of the gulls in flight are just awesome. I would like to live just minutes away from a beach. Beautiful photos. Have a great evening.

  23. What a wonderful place to live! Beautiful.

  24. It looks absolutely lovely Debbie, I love your pictures of the gulls - looks great against the blue sky.

  25. Hi those gulls in flight shots real nice!!
    Nothing like the beach!! ; }

  26. You always have amazing photos! Those seagulls in flight are awesome!

  27. All beautiful pictures, but the one of the two gulls flying together is gorgeous!

  28. Gorgeous images, Debbie! I can smell the sea and see the gulls soaring overhead. I envy you location!

  29. You are lucky, Hon!!!! Glad you appreciate it.

    We miss the ocean. Used to be able to visit Cape Cod, in autumn, in days gone by. But his sight does not allow much driving, now. And I am not up-to the big roads necessary, to get from here to there. -sigh-

    But we still enjoy our memories. :-)

    Mmmmmm, I have a *Grumpy* post today. Hope you have time to pop over and read it. :-)

    "I'm tired, tired, tired,
    of *new,* *new,* *new*..."


  30. It's great living in a place that you love -- great photos of the birds and that last shot was a surprise. :)

  31. Such a blessing ~ and thanks for sharing so we can live vicariously!!

  32. What a gorgeous place! Beautiful shots.

  33. I love your post! Such a great place! I' missing the sea now:)

  34. Beautiful captures of the shore and shorebirds. The gulls in flight are wonderful!

  35. It would bring me comfort too! I would love to live near the ocean. such beautiful pictures Deb!

  36. Bardzo bym chciała mieszkać nad morzem, słuchać szumu fal, spacerować po plaży, oglądać mewy i szukać muszelek.Niestety nie mieszkam, ale wszystkie wakacyjne wyjazdy są nad morze. Piękne zdjęcia. Pozdrawiam.***
    I'd love to live by the sea, listen to the waves, walk on the beach, watching seagulls and look for seashells. Unfortunately I do not live, but all are holiday trips to the seaside, because I love them. Beautiful pictures. Yours.

  37. How wonderful to be only 10 minutes from such a great place! I never like to live too far from the coast either
