
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fancy Fungi!!

The Daddy-Long-Leg on the right was a bonus...
when I viewed the picture!!

You won't believe how many I found...


Who Knew??

Each of these fungi photographs were taken on the same day in all different locations.
They were spotted as we drove by.

Chuck said I have to wear a blindfold in the car now!!
What's wrong with "him"!!


  1. Not only fancy! But beautiful too!

  2. Oh cool! I love fungi! You got some fantastic shots! Awesome detail. My granddaughter is the fungi spotter for me when we walk in the woods. I have over a hundred photos of various ones from our cottage vacation!

  3. Shame on him! lol!

    These are really beautiful.

  4. I love to run across fungi, it's so interesting looking!

  5. These are lovely and each is so different.
    and yes whats wrong with him. Men. ha

  6. I have never seen so many different types of mushrooms Debbie! You have photographed each one so beautifully!

  7. I love fungi! Such wonderful textures. I have several varieties, that appear after a rain in my own yard.

  8. These fungi are awsome, so many different types. But, ewww that daddy longlegs not that's not nice.

  9. I have hundreds of pictures of fungi of varying sorts ... I can't pass one up without admiring it! To me they each have a distinct personality, and I love them all!

  10. Deb, I don't know why Chuck would say you need to be blindfolded. I always thought he was a ....... (wait for it)............ Fun-Guy!
    HA HA HA!

  11. These are first amazing and then beautiful.

  12. good one lou....don't make me tell everyone who had to create your account for you here...that might be embarrassing!! hahaha

    i have a good one, for tomorrow!!

  13. Yes I admit, I can be techno-challenged sometimes. But fortunately I am blessed with friends who will pull me along the technological trail with them. For this I am grateful.

  14. The shades of white, beige, brown - just love it! And your husband is a saint! My 'from the car shots' are just that...from inside the moving car!!

  15. Holy Moley - fungi galore!! Aren't they pretty too.

    Lol, your Chuck is such a kidder ;D)
