
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I Trespass.......

a lot!!!! Most times, I don't get caught. Usually when I do get caught, people are excited to listen to me babble. You see, I have this blog, which requires exciting STUFF!!! I am harmless really, just looking for GOOD blog material. On a recent trespass with the hubs, we did get caught. My photo shoot ended abruptly....we had to tell a little fib and I think Chuck wanted to shoot me. I did get a couple of decent pictures, but the homeowners were not really very excited to see us!!!!!  

The home had a detached pool house.....
this nest was in the corner of that pool house!!!!

One was kinda "shy"......just "peaking" at me!!!!

I think these are baby Phoebes!!!!!!
There were 3 babies and the parents were swirling pictures of the parents, darn those homeowners!!!

In my defense, the house was for sale and in extremely poor condition. The grass had not been mowed in months and I really believed the house was empty. The homeowners said the house was built for Bruce Springstien. 25,000 square foot, 7 bathrooms, a stable and a swimming pool with a built in bar. It was both awesome and scarey at the same time!!! 


  1. busted!!! :)

    sad to hear such a huge place like that not being maintained!!! glad you got to sneak in the baby photos, though!

  2. Going for that blog photo in unknown territory can be a gamble or a gambol. There could be a large vicious dog, a cranky resident or worse. But getting away with a fun shot and maybe meeting someone who is proud to be noticed is the upside.

    Nice pics of those babies. It's a good thing the appearance of most young birds improves with age, though.

  3. That's all part of the adventure of getting good shots.

  4. I'm glad you got such nice pictures of the young ones. Nice close up work. My daughter has an unfinished deck and a robin has chosen to building a nest underneath right near where they water and like to care for flowers. I looked up the hatching tine and they will soon hatch and will leave the nest in less than a month.

  5. Good pictures! Careful with that trespassing!

  6. Grouch people anyway! You were just taking pictures.

    That little bird seems to be covering his ears with his wings. Perhaps embarassed by the owners attitude. LOL!

    Just don't get yourself (or hubby) hurt, please!

  7. No risk, no reward, Debbie. All they can do is tell you to go away! But you got the shot, didn't you. :)

  8. I cannot tell you how many times I've gotten in a bit of "trouble" for invading the space of others. Like these, the shots are so worth it though! :-)

  9. LOL, the things we do for a photo op! Great photos and I enjoyed the story. Take care. ~Cheryl

  10. my family is always on my case about what they consider "inappropriate" photo snapping...but you know, sometimes you just have to get a particular shot! These phoebes would fall under that category for me!

  11. What a cool house. I think the homeowners will forgive the intrusion when they read this great post. Now they are famous. B

  12. Oh, I'd never have the guts to do that! Wonder what I'm missing out on!! Thanks for the longwood gardens post/idea...check out my blog!

  13. Good on you Debbie - you don't know if you don't have a go... and, look at the great shots you got! The one of the little chick peeping over the top of the nest at you is simply gorgeous :D)
