
Monday, February 28, 2011

Spring Is In The Air.....

and the temperature........

64 degrees beautiful....

and I spotted this in the garden
pansies planted last fall!!!!!
I am soooooo ready for green grass & purple flowers!!!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sunday Funday!!!!!

We had a super fun day at Allaire State Park.......well it wasn't really the "day", it was more like an hour. Someone, o.k. me, needed "airing out" and this is one of our favorite places to go. Chuck and I both grew up in this area, we often had picnic's here right by this beautiful, historic church, while we were dating. We often talked about getting married in this very church. That did not happen, one of my bigger regrets in my life. I was only 19 when I got married and when I told my mom of my plans, she said NO!!! and I complied, because I thought I had to. We visit here a lot. Our favorite bike paths leads right into this park, so this place is a favorite for both of us!!!!!!

I love that the sign is old and weathered the village!!!

the church at Allaire.....

our favorite spot.......

pretty spot......
the lines/designs in this patch of ice were beautiful!!!!

something about this spot intrigued my eye!!!!

pretty blue sky......

Scrapbook Saturday!!!!

8 pages done on Saturday, 4 on Sunday, very productive......

by the way....this was an amazing trip you can read about here

Friday, February 25, 2011

Pretty Nighttime Sky

It was stormy all day, which produced this beautiful sky at sunset!!!!!

Another Pot Roast

This is on the stove.......

In 3.5 hours we will be eating this. The house smells awesome!!!!! I can't wait!!!!!

Cooked and plated, with a loaf of crusty french bread, you need a bowl so you can enjoy the juice. This was so amazing!!!!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Displaying Pretty Things!!!!

I always want to see everything, so I can reflect on the memory. So how I display things is very important to me. Just as important, is to do that so it looks pretty and without creating clutter.

pretty shells collected at special times...
displayed in beautiful glasses with a strip of paper,
that tells the date and location the shells were found.
I have these glasses scattered about the house!!!

the same thing....for the big boys

another view!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Red Bellied Woodpecker

Red Bellied Woodpecker having an early dinner...

Morning River Glimmer

Pretty morning view of the Manasquan's so beautiful!!

the reflection of the morning sun on the Manasquan River...

beautiful view of the Brielle Bridge...

the ducks that are usually in my pool...

morning stretches...

what a beautiful day, the sun is out and the sky is blue.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Morning Thru Ice

This beautiful sight caught my eye this morning.........

Art on my window pane........

Monday, February 21, 2011

My Feathered Companions

This blind purple house finch finds my window feeders every morning, sits quietly and fills his belly up....

purple house finch.....

he visits twice every day.....

I love this picture I took of a huge red-bellied woodpecker on the suet feeder. 
I wasn't going to share this photo because it's so blurry but then I noticed that the camera had focused on downy woodpecker just below him. 
I did not notice the downy woodpecker while I was trying to photograph the red-bellied one.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Scrapbook Sunday

8 new pages, I will post pictures tomorrow!!!!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Easter Tree

I skipped over St. Patricks Day and went straight to Easter. The Easter Tree is done and is home to all my favorite ornaments. Drum roll.......drum roll please......

Easter Tree.......

a closer look at the top half.....

bottom half, up close......

In honor of the completion of the Easter Tree and because I love purple and because they were on sale..

pretty purple tulips!!!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

A Day At The Beach

Beautiful day at Point Pleasant Beach........70 degrees and sunny.....

Chuck and I by the jetties.........
February 18, 2011

really pretty day......

shell that Chuck wrote C & D!!!!!!

The large parking lot by the boardwalk was closed, a Coast Guard helecopter was there getting ready to take off. I was kind of glad we caught this unexpected event, although at one point I was sure the pilot had no idea what he was doing and I mentioned to Chuck that maybe we should not be standing soooo close......

great pose Chuck......

lift off.........

this was reall cool....
I am not sure I have ever been this close to a helicopter!!!!

cool fishing ship by the jetties!!!!!!!!!

"almost" heart shaped sea glass......

really awesome shell, I don't know if I have ever seen one like this
very flat, like a sand dollar.......


special finds of the day!!!!!!