
Friday, February 18, 2011

A Day At The Beach

Beautiful day at Point Pleasant Beach........70 degrees and sunny.....

Chuck and I by the jetties.........
February 18, 2011

really pretty day......

shell that Chuck wrote C & D!!!!!!

The large parking lot by the boardwalk was closed, a Coast Guard helecopter was there getting ready to take off. I was kind of glad we caught this unexpected event, although at one point I was sure the pilot had no idea what he was doing and I mentioned to Chuck that maybe we should not be standing soooo close......

great pose Chuck......

lift off.........

this was reall cool....
I am not sure I have ever been this close to a helicopter!!!!

cool fishing ship by the jetties!!!!!!!!!

"almost" heart shaped sea glass......

really awesome shell, I don't know if I have ever seen one like this
very flat, like a sand dollar.......


special finds of the day!!!!!!