
Friday, August 16, 2024

Ending With A Bang

Every Thursday night, down at the inlet, the fireworks are visible from both 
Point Pleasant Beach and Manasquan.
We usually view them from the Point Pleasant side of the inlet but last night we went to the 
Manasquan side of the inlet to watch them.

The River Queen was out.  
This paddle boat is a replica of a steam boat that was powered by a steam engine 
that drives paddle wheels to propel the boat through the water.

The dredging ship was still in the inlet working.

The moon appeared pink in the sky...

and the fireworks were really beautiful, 
I think they are one of the hubs favorite things to do during the summer.

There was a lot more action yesterday, I can't wait to share it with you tomorrow!


  1. Love your night time photo, the colors, reflections and fireworks are beautiful. Take care, have a great weekend.

  2. We also enjoy fireworks, Debbie so your husband is not alone in that summertime favorite. Nice to see the River Queen lit up and that is a great moon shot. I'm curious as to your camera's zoom as well. can you share details?

  3. neat that you got to view them from a different vantage point :). We didn't see professional ones this year, only the neighborhood ones but they are big enough :)
