
Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Dredging The Sandbar

The work to clear the gigantic sandbar here on the Point Pleasant Beach side of the inlet is underway.
The US Army Corps of Engineers have been here for about a week dredging,
and will stay until the sandbar is gone.
They pulled their dredging machine out when Debby was approaching and the water was too rough.
I was again able to watch from a pier close by and chat with all the locals.
Everyone has a story to tell, one of the locals said this happens every 3 years, I have never heard that.

The machine loads the sand on the deck, spins around and brings it out to the ocean.
Not too far, you never lose sight of it before it comes right back!

Even as the boat sounds its horn, these people will not move off the sanbar.

Boats have been allowed back in the inlet...
I wonder if all of these boats in the inlet are making the job harder for the machine?

Red flags are still flying at the beaches, no swimming is allowed because of the rough surf!


  1. The boat looks interesting, I am sure they were hard at work. Those people should have moved way! Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

  2. Fascinating! Watching big machines is magical. Why folks won’t move is a mystery.
    May aka Salty Pumpkin

  3. That's fascinating -- quite a job they have!

  4. Beautiful beaches, seas, oceans - I love water! And you always have great photos! Greetings from the Baltic Sea!

  5. It sure is amazing the machines they can come up with to take care of things like this. I was surprised in your pictures to see people in the water so close to them working, can't believe they wouldn't move when asked.
