
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Saying Thank-You...

 I thought I would start today's post by thanking the men and women who work for our electric company.
Our power went out yesterday around 4 pm and did not come back on until around midnight.
We have underground utilities, 
but apparently the transformer box outside of our house has not
 been serviced since it was placed there in 1974.
It did not have any oil in it and that is what caused it to fail.
We were at home when it happened and it sounded like an explosion, and then the house went dark.
So thank you to the men and women who work for JCP & L, 
much had to be done to get us up and running and we are grateful.

I learned a few things last night before I gave up trying to keep busy and went to bed...

- you can cook dinner, even without power if you have a gas stove -
- baking brownies is not possible -
- it is impossible to knit by lantern -
- it is impossible to read by lantern -
- no matter how many times you hit the light switch, the lights will not come on -
- after 45 years of marriage, there's not too much to talk about -
- your phone is not exciting to play on when it is the only thing to do - 

I have been as busy as a bee this morning, trying to send pictures from my phone to my computer.


I am feeling a little "crabby"...because nothing is working.
You know this feeling because anyone who has a computer and a phone now-a-days has experienced it.
This is the second day in a row I am having trouble, I can handle it one day,
 but two days in a row, I start to complain.

The birds are back and have constructed a beautiful nest in our awning.
The hubs is quite crabby about this as they are damaging both the house siding and the awning.
When I listen by the nest, I can hear that there are babies in it.
Everyday the hubs says the same thing, 
"if they paid rent or contributed to the property taxes, it would be ok"!

This is poppa, he guards the nest with his if anyone could even find it.

This was my puzzle today, it was so me!

We visited a Temple on Monday and I can't wait to share those pictures, 
good thing they were all taken with my camera.

If you have never watched the movie "Otherhood" on Netflix you have to see it,
it is hysterical!


  1. Interesting observations. We have not been home when our power has been out for more than an hour. It was out for 5 hours just a few miles down the road the other day. One of my biggest fears is that it goes out for any length of time while we are out of town in the winter and the hot tub freezes.

  2. We had power out for a week after an October surprise of snow one year. Many trees and branches came down. I plugged one electric cord into the fridge out the garage to a neighbor's house, and the all-important TV to the other neighbor's house. Gas ovens to keep warm aren't smart, but we survived. Linda in Kansas

  3. Debbie,

    We saw four eggs today as well. They weren’t all laid at the same time, not even on consecutive days. We have seen two survive but never four! The crows, among other birds, wait for the opportunity to get at the eggs. It will be fascinating to watch what happens.

  4. You made me laugh with your observations when losing the power. We live in an area that use to lose power often (it has gotten better) I bet we both hit switches a hundred times and then we were not sure what was on and what was off we had to wait until the power came back on. We now have a generator so we are good.
    I swear my husband would say the same thing about those birds he would not be happy.
    I hope you're feeling better about things.

  5. Power outages are awful and I feel so helpless! I'm reminding myself to fill the oil lamps just in case!

    Otherhood! I will check it out!

  6. About the only good thing about a power outage might be if it doesn't happen during the summer when you need your air conditioning. I bought headlamps for reading in the dark. They are LED lights that are on elastic straps you wear on your head. You can aim them at whatever you're reading or working on. They really look weird, but get the job done. That sparrow is more than a nuisance. They break the eggs of other birds and kill other baby birds. They're especially deadly to bluebirds. They are invasive and not natural to the USA.
    You're lucky that you got service to your electricity so quickly.

  7. How awful and good for the power people. We owe them a lot more thanks than they get. Thank you for all the lovely photos!

  8. Power outages are not fun!!!

    Your puzzle looks a nice one.

    All the best Jan

  9. Glad they were able to get it fixed after all, that would be scary hearing that big of a bang. I had to laugh with all you learned with not having power. We have lost ours a few times but thankfully it came back on before it got dark :) your birds are like the problem we had with the racoons trying to get under our roof before we replaced it they did some damage, thankfully whatever the roofers did they have not been back but I do hear the birds in our gutters of the house in the mornings.
