
Tuesday, April 16, 2024

The Happy Mallard

I saw this Mallard during a recent walk at our local reservoir.
I think he saw me coming and thought, oh no, not her again with that camera.
I'll throw her a bone, pose for a few pictures, them I'm taking off.

This one solitary duck, 
wading in the beautiful blue water on a 70 degree day, he must have been in heaven.
I thought he was happy to let me take some pictures.

They always look like they are smiling...

He did a few gymnastics moves...

Then said "I'm outta here" 

As I walked around the reservoir, I saw a lot more Mallards, some were banded, others were not.
You can see in the above picture, the Mallard is banded.
Banding is used to identify the wintering areas and migration routes used by ducks.

We've had some really gorgeous days here at the Jersey Shore.
The rain has subsided for now and the sunshine and temperatures have been perfect.


  1. Great photos of the Mallards. I am not sure if I have seen the Mallards banded. Take care, have a great day!

  2. Proud duck! 😊 He should be.

  3. They were very patient letting you get that close. They probably just wanted food.

  4. I saw a mallard this morning hanging out with Canada Geese. Your photos are much better than mine!

  5. Yep, he's cute, and knows he's cute! Linda in Kansas

  6. Love your photographs of the Mallards.

    All the best Jan

  7. So glad you have been enjoying some beautiful days, we have possible severe storms heading in this evening. It was nice of him to pose for a couple shots before he showed you his rear end leaving :)
