
Friday, April 12, 2024

Around The Yard

This Mourning Dove 
sits by the door waiting for us to leave.
It looks chunky here but it has a slim body and a long tail.
I think this is a male, 
they are a little more colorful, but the differences between male and female are slight.
They utter a series of mournful, hooting calls most of us have heard.
They generally eat off the ground but many of mine land right on the feeders.

My Purple Hyacinths are in bloom right now and they smell amazing!

I still have several big patches of Daffodils that look healthy and beautiful.

My tulips are in bloom and very colorful right now.

I took these pictures yesterday, it is raining today.

- april showers bring may flowers -


  1. My husband does not like the sound of a mourning dove he said it is too sad sounding.
    Lucky you flowers! we just got rid of the snow and now it is raining like crazy.

  2. I'd say your flowers are about a week ahead of ours.

  3. Your flowers are beautiful Debbie! I love hyacinths--- they smell so good! I haven't grown any in years...

  4. Hello,

    Your flowers are looking beautiful.
    Love the sweet dove photo.
    Take care, have a great day and happy weekend!

  5. Your photos are always so startlingly beautiful, Debbie. Wow! The colors just jump out at you. Thank you for the smile.

  6. Such beautiful photos....and prayers for your recovery! Love you!

  7. Welcome! Beautiful photos, lovely bird, purple hyacinths and yellow daffodils, gorgeous spring flowers. Best regards, have a good weekend!

  8. Gorgeous flowers!! You sure have a lot of lovely ones for sure! Our doves only eat off the ground but I think that is because we bought squirrel safe feeder and their weight closes the feeder.
