
Wednesday, February 28, 2024

What's Your Favorite Time Of Day?

 My favorite time of day is the evening, during sunset...
When the sun disappears below the horizon and the sky is a rich amber color that resembles a fire.
It is the perfect conclusion to the day, accompanied by fleecy clouds...
the sky becomes vibrant...radiant!

I find winter sunsets to be the best.
It rained all day on this day, February 23rd and the day concluded with this sunset.
What an amazing reward.
I would have missed this had my friend Liz not sent me a text "sunset"...
we do that for each other, Leanne as well!

I stayed outside...
and like looking through a kaleidoscope it turned a brilliant purple.

As the sun fades so did the day, now it's time to rest and reset.

What is your favorite time of day?


  1. It's like an exquisite light show, isn't it?? Free to all who want to see it!
    Reminds me of a Bible verse - "He makes the outgoings of the morning and evening to rejoice."

  2. Wow! That is just so amazingly beautiful. We have beautiful sunsets here too, but my favorite time of day is the sunrise, everything just appears so clean and fresh.

  3. Do we live on the same planet? These photos are amazing!

  4. These photographs are lovely.
    I quite enjoy the quietness of an evening.

    All the best Jan

  5. I love both sunrise and sunsets. I rarely see either though. Gorgeous captures here, Debbie,

  6. Debbie, I like to wake up early and see the day start. But my all time favorite part of the day is sunset. I have always love watching them. Blessings,xoxo, Susie

  7. Beautiful pictures, Debbie! Wow such color. Me--- I like evenings best.

  8. Wow, the colors are stunning! Beautiful sunset captures!
    Take care, have a great day!

  9. I think mine is just the opposite, seeing the sun rise and day start. Then again, we face somewhat east and see the sunrise and rarely see a sunset.

  10. Sunrise sunset I love them both! This is a good one!

  11. Sun rise, sunset. I love them both.

  12. Gorgeous, love all the different colors, love to watch it change, I do love a good sunset but my best time is the afternoons when I get in my craft room and create!
