
Monday, February 5, 2024

A Walk On The "Water" Side...

 On my way to the beach, 
I always pass this store, with fabrics hanging from the line, they look so colorful and pretty!
The pottery is also gorgeous...

Gull Island County Park
This is a tiny park by the inlet, great for capturing pictures of wildlife and boats.
Scuba divers also use this spot for going in and out of the water.

The brown grasses here were so pretty and the sun was starting to set.
I was not sure if the pictures were too dark.

Last year we saw them painting this boat, the 
Norma-K III,
 the guys invited me to run around inside...
you can see pictures of the inside of the boat and read about that adventure here.


  1. Great series, I love any water view.
    The boats and the weathered shacks are cool.
    Take care, have a great day and happy new week!

  2. Yes!-- I sure do remember when you went on the boat! Loved today's visit around weathered old traps and buildings, very scenic. Love those colors blowing the wind --- hey wasn't that a hit song long long ago!? Ha ha LOL. Are those scarves or what?

  3. yes debbi, that was a great song, thanks for the memory. i'm not sure what the fabrics are, i think they are just colorful fabrics, to catch your eye. i have never stopped at the store, i see it on a jughandle on my way to the beach!! maybe next time i will stop!!

  4. Beautiful photos.
    It is interesting to see the marine side of New Jersey.

  5. Love those photos of the boats and traps. Everything is iced up along the wharfs here.

  6. Okay, I officially love that area. There is something about docks and boats like that that I find fascinating. And, they are so photogenic, you did a great job capturing them.

  7. Love these pictures. I haven't been down that way in a while. Might need to take a ride!

  8. OMGosh, that first picture took my breath away! So Gorgeous! I would have gone home with some of those green pots and the red, yellow, blue tie-dye fabric. Gull Island is very pretty. I just love trips to the ocean! I was astounded with the photoo of the metal framed nets. I assume they're traps for catching crabs? Glad you had a wonderful time!

  9. This is a great collection of photographs you've shared.

    All the best Jan

  10. That looks like a wonderful old time fishing cove. they are vanishing so quickly with all the development
    Great pictures

  11. Your photos are exquisite and I love the look of the colorful fabrics. The piles of baskets are interesting. Is this NJ? Is the water really so blue? Beautiful

  12. YES...this is Point Pleasant New Jersey, a really beautiful place to visit. i live one town over, about 10 minutes away!! thanks for visiting gluten free...

  13. Hoje eu vim para seguir o seu blog, só para isso mesmo.
    Um beijo. Espero você me seguir também, viu!
