
Saturday, January 27, 2024

Saturday Critters #528

This Song Sparrow has been hanging around in the backyard and playing in the snow.

I always see it on these pilings, and the nearby shrub...I am pretty sure it has a nest in the shrub.

This Female House Finch has Avian Conjunctivitis.
An eye infection that affects many song birds but is most often seen in the House Finch.
The bacteria affects the conjunctive, the membrane that surrounds the eye,
causing the tissue to swell and become irritated.
As the infection spreads, the bird can become completely blind.
This little girl actually sits in the cup of the bird feeder.
Come spring, the hubs will wash these out for me, so it is not passed on to other birds.

And this is what I am dealing with when they land in the tree...
so many outer branches they could land on but nooooo, they have to land on the ones in the middle,
making it impossible to get a a good picture.

Sharing today's images with Eileen at 
Viewing Nature With Eileen 
for Saturday Critters


  1. Hello Debbie,
    Your Song Sparrow images are pretty. It is sad to see the finches with the eye disease. It can be very contagious, it is good you are washing out your feeders. The chickadee is still a cutie! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  2. They are hiding from you in the branches. 😊🌷

  3. Those shots of the Song Sparrow are amazing. You get so much detail. They are one of my favourite birds.

  4. Now I'm wondering if you hung out your window to get these photos...I'm imagining that! The Sparrow is such a sweet bird! Stay warm this week!

  5. Your Song Sparrow photos capture their delightful spirit so perfectly! Hope the Finch gets well soon.

  6. The poor bird! Survival of the fittest indeed.

  7. I like the way you see things from a bird’s eye view. The eye diseas looks very bad for the poor little bird.
    best, mae at

  8. I love song sparrows. Too bad about the conjunctivitis. Poor thing.

  9. Poor little birdie with the infection. Those little stinkers getting inside the branches, must be camera shy.

  10. Darling little birds. Poor bird with the eye infection.
