
Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Exciting Times...

My Kansas City Chiefs won the AFC Championship on Sunday.
They played the Baltimore Ravens, both teams played very well... and it was a very exciting game. 
We are off to the Super Bowl in 2 weeks where we will play the San Francisco 49ers. 
If the Chiefs win, it will be their 3rd Super Bowl win in the past 4 years.
- exciting stuff -

At the start of the game...

My Weekender Sweater is coming along nicely,
if you look closely you can see the decorative "seam" up the front center.
There is one in the back also.

I made some time to color over the weekend.
I adore this book that Liz gifted to me for Christmas.

We were out for a drive and I noticed this tree
 in Point Pleasant decorated with hearts.
Everyone in this area always shares the holiday spirit.

While we were out we stopped at the inlet, there were so many different Loons hanging around!

Monday, January 29, 2024


 I go to Pinterest when I need to be inspired.
It is a great way to find new recipes and crafts that peak your interest.
It is also the perfect way to find ideas to cozy up your home.

These Best Instant Noodle Jars can be found here

Ideas For Your Spring Table

Pretty watercolors, no instructions were provided.

Bring shelving up in the kitchen,
it is a great look and gives you more counter space.

Decorating with Candles

If you do not have a Pinterest, make one...
there is a lot of fun waiting there to uncover.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Wise Words On Sunday


- this really spoke to me after my visit to the beach this week -

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Saturday Critters #528

This Song Sparrow has been hanging around in the backyard and playing in the snow.

I always see it on these pilings, and the nearby shrub...I am pretty sure it has a nest in the shrub.

This Female House Finch has Avian Conjunctivitis.
An eye infection that affects many song birds but is most often seen in the House Finch.
The bacteria affects the conjunctive, the membrane that surrounds the eye,
causing the tissue to swell and become irritated.
As the infection spreads, the bird can become completely blind.
This little girl actually sits in the cup of the bird feeder.
Come spring, the hubs will wash these out for me, so it is not passed on to other birds.

And this is what I am dealing with when they land in the tree...
so many outer branches they could land on but nooooo, they have to land on the ones in the middle,
making it impossible to get a a good picture.

Sharing today's images with Eileen at 
Viewing Nature With Eileen 
for Saturday Critters

Friday, January 26, 2024

Winter Beaches

 Hoping to get a walk down along the beach today, 

all of the beaches are still closed due to flooding and beach erosion.

Still blocked off at the entrance, 

There was only one surfer in the water who braved the 10 foot drop off here.

According to the weather people, the sun was suppose to come out at 10:30 am.
At 2:30 it was gloomy, misty and foggy...
Saturday, there is a 95% chance of rain all day...perhaps the sun will come out tomorrow.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

In A Day...

Our sprinkle of snow is gone....

and today it is raining!

I enjoy starting my day with a delicious waffle...

 Home Chef
my meal delivery subscription service offers a lot of breakfast options and their 
Belgian Waffles are amazing.
These waffles are cooked in the oven, they are crisp on the outside and thick and very fluffy inside.

"Would you like a little waffle with that butter and syrup?".
I had to be careful it did not float away.

Before starting the work day, the hubs and I play Wordle.

I always do the puzzle of the day and then it's "get down to business".

During the day, I help with all of the paperwork that needs to be done to maintain our business. 
I pay all of the business bills, our personal bills, my mom's bills and Chuck's mom's bills, it's a lot.

Dinner is either a Home Chef meal or one of my own 
- keeper meals -

Cream of Potato Soup, this is a keeper meal.

We watch a movie at night...
we watched Jennifer Garner in Family Switch tonight, it was so funny and very good.
I really love Jennifer Garner!

These little pretzel bites are also from 
Home Chef
They offer many sides and appetizers that can be ordered as solo items.
They are a great snack during a movie, and only take 5 minutes in the oven.
I only knit at night, so I am always excited for the evening to begin.

My sweater is coming along nicely, but a little bit of a slow go...
it is super easy and I am really enjoying it.
It is the kind of knit that you can watch television while you knit!