
Thursday, December 21, 2023

TV's View Of Winter At The Jersey Shore

I have the winter cold that I always get, usually right around Christmas.
I'm always shocked when I get it.
I act as if it has never happened before, 
that I did not somehow put out the welcome mat and say "now is the worst time ever, come on in"!
Everytime I cough, I clearout the room...and Michael, he's such a smart kid, came home anyway...
I guess he is not as smart as I thought he was.
But it's so good to have him home, I will now torture him with games, puzzles,
 making a gingerbread house and all the fun Christmas things.

That storm we had on Sunday was a lot worse than I realized.
Towns are still flooded...roads impassable, schools and businesses closed, 
and delivery trucks are slow to reach people.
I saw these pictures on television, this is the beach I always visit in Bay Head,
I have never seen waves this big...I wish I had seen them in person!

Here are some pictures from television of the erosion at local beaches.

You can turn your television into this or choose from many other designs.
If you go to YouTube, then search for 
"tv christmas art" your choices will come up, then select your favorite.
This one is so pretty with falling snow!


  1. I think I prefer your Christmas snow over those big bad waves! Stay safe, remember to test for covid too so your relatives can be safe. Linda in Kansas

  2. Love the art.

  3. thanks linda...i tested negative for covid and my son really wanted to come. i think everyone in new jersey is sick. i won't visit with anyone else if i am not feeling better!! merry christmas to you and your family, thank you for all of the lovely comments you leave for me!!

  4. The wind here has been bad for several days now. Another to go. At least the rain stopped.

  5. Surfers are some crazy people! The bigger the wave, the better though!

  6. Oh mercy Debbie--- that WAVE IS HUGE!!!! hope you're feeling lots better!!

  7. Wow, the image of the wave and surfer is amazing. I hope he was not hurt.
    I hope you feel better, take care!

    Take care, have a great weekend!

  8. I just found the TV art a few weeks ago wonderful isnt it wonderful!
    Sorry you have a cold it is one big germ fest out there!
    We got so much rain and the clean up goes on

  9. I hope you feel better very soon!
    That's some pretty serious surf!!
    I've discovered YouTube and put on a different fireplace with music every morning!
    Merry Christmas!

  10. Aw! Sorry to hear that you are sick - poor baby! Sounds like you are making the best of it, though. That storm looks terrifying. Glad you didn't see those waves in person - my goodness! Stay cozy and get well and hope you have a peaceful Christmas! x K

  11. Hello Debbie :=)
    I came over to wish you a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year, only to find you have caught a cold. I'm so sorry, what rotten luck. I hope you feel better soon so you can enjoy, and make the best of the Christmas Festivities.

    I hope the surfer is OK too. Those waves seemed to swallow him up!

    All the best Debbie

  12. So sorry about the cold... but Merry Christmas Debbie! Have never heard of Christmas Art but will check it out. Thanks!

  13. OH WOW!!!! That was some kind if storm, can't get over how big those waves were and the damage it did to the beach, when you are better you will have to check out how your favorite beach did during it all.
    That is sweet of Michael to still come, hope you are able to enjoy all the stuff you have planned!
    That is a cool feature on Youtube :)
    Merry Christmas!

  14. Goodness me those waves are huge!

    So sorry you have a rotten cold, there does seem to be a lot of colds and also Covid around at the moment.

    However, I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas, and hope you feel better very soon.

    All the best Jan


  15. Scary pictures!
    I've never seen waves that big in person.

    Merry Christmas!

    Prayers you feel better soon
    I hear that stress during the holidays causes folks to get sick. Years ago, I had a cold every December. Now that I don't go out much, and don't have gatherings to attend, no far.
