
Monday, October 16, 2023

National Alpaca Farm Days

National Alpaca Farm Days
it is always the last weekend in September...
unless it rains, 
monsoon rains, flooding, both days and there was no hope that mother nature was going to cooperate. 
Hope was then placed on the following weekend and Saturday, it rained again, all day.
What's up with all this rain?
But Sunday, the sun came out and it was a beautiful day.
Our knitting group gathered, sat together...we knitted, told stories and laughed.
- I think it was a perfect day -

- welcome -

- the coop -

- welcome to the coop -

My friend Liz

The old stove, it is amazing, it keeps us warm in the winter!

Items for sale in the Coop...

Pumpkins - all grown on the farm.

Cinderella pumpkins, also grown on the farm.

Here we are, knitting, laughing and having fun!
I did not take any pictures of the alpaca, whoops, I forgot, the day was all about knitting!
4 sleeps until Rhinebeck!

- good times and fun friends make the best memories -


  1. That is a fun place. The honey would be my purchase!

  2. Oh my goodness, I want to go there and hang out, it looks so relaxing and fun. Plus I would find some pretty Alpaca creations to purchase.

  3. Fun group! Nice pictures, love the store.
    Recently, I read that alpacas don't make lanolin. Therefore, they aren't allergy givers like wool is. I am thrilled about that.

  4. Beautiful pics! Lovely place! And looks like you finally got a really nice day to sit and knit...

  5. So glad we had at least one good day without rain. This weekend rain has to GO!!!!!

  6. Hello,
    Looks like a fun time for your knitting group. The farm and Coop looks pretty.
    Enjoy your trip to Rhinebeck. Take care, have a great week!

  7. So many fun things to see there! Glad you went and also Rhinebeck coming up! Bet that honey is great- did you buy one?

  8. Looks like you had a good day, great photographs.

    All the best Jan

  9. What a fun place and y'all look like you were enjoying the company. Have a super Monday!

  10. I am so glad that the rain finally let up so you could all get together, it does look like it was a wonderful Autumn day.

  11. What a great place for a knit and natter :0)
