
Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Just Let Me Finish This Row

 If you know me, you have heard me say this so many times.
I don't like to stop in the middle of a row, it can cause confusion for me the next time I pick the project up,
- so just let me finish this row -

Technically, I am still working on my blanket, I have one ball of yarn, (of 6) left to go.

  But I put the blanket aside for a few weeks to work on these dishcloths.

Dishcloths to donate to 
an organization that provides dish soap and dishcloths to food pantries. 

They could be washcloths...
actually, when I started this project that Liz told me about, even though I was listening, 
I promise I was...
I thought I was making washcloths to donate.

I am making these with cotton yarn from the Dollar Store and I love it.
I can't believe how wonderful it is for only $ 1.25.
That wonderful soap is from Rhinebeck, our girls trip, yarn & fiber trip, the one we take in October.
There are 74 days until Rhinebeck, I can't wait!!

This green was my favorite color and I am working on the second one in this color.

I will continue making more until all of my yarn is gone.
I asked the hubs sister, her name is Debbie also, 
 to pick me up 1 skein of this yarn when she was going to the Dollar Store. 
She bought me 9, I knew she would do that because she never buys one of anything.
I like working on small projects like this, they are easy to tote around, don't take much concentration and 
you can work on them anywhere! 

- some people see a ball of yarn, I see warmth, rhythm, comfort and home -


  1. 9 skeins? That'll keep you busy for a while!

  2. Dear Debbie!
    Your works are beautiful, perfectly, meticulously done.
    I like them very much.
    Hugs and greetings:)

  3. You do lovely work. I never did learn how to knit, crochet etc...I really like the green color too.

  4. Debbie, I used to do this - make several almond colored washcloths and put them together with a nice bar of scented soup (and sometimes one of my pottery made dish soap holders) and give them as little gifts.

    And I have a baby blanket that I started a while ago... left it... and have no idea how to continue now. I may have to go to a knit shop and ask an expert to tell me where I left off. (oh well..)

  5. What a great idea, the dish soap and cloths for food banks. I am so happy someone thought of doing that. And, thank you for being such a giving person, Debbie.

  6. Debbie, That is a nice project helping others. Yes, I think they could be nice wash cloths. My granddaughter Savannah crochets many hats and toys. I am proud of her . Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  7. These will be received with joy. I love to see your knitting skills in action. Always think your choices of yarn are so pretty.

  8. I love your spirit, Debbie. Always positive. When I think of you, I think of a warm hug!
