
Tuesday, July 18, 2023


It's summertime and that means the Hydrangeas are blooming everywhere. 
My garden is no exception, I have a total of 7 plants.

I have so many flowers outside,
I almost always bring some in the house so I can enjoy them all the time.

I find this vase is a perfect companion for them.

Summer also means I am finding Caterpillars on my dill plants.
I have brought these in the house,
as I am already starting to see some disappear. 


  1. I planted dill this year but no caterpillars. Sigh!

    The hydrangeas are glorious! Good for the senses and the spirit!

  2. Hello,
    Your hydrangeas looks beautiful and I love that vase.
    Good luck with the caterpillars.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  3. Hydrangeas are the best flower for photographs! I've taken pictures of them when they're not quite open, when they're fully blossomed, and when they're actually wilting on the vine and in every stage they're beautiful. But like all my flower photos, I "stole" my pictures from other peoples beautiful gardens. Your flowers -- and your photos of them -- are some of the loveliest I've seen.

  4. Wow Debbie, The flowers are beautiful. You have green thumb. I liked all the colors too. That is a big caterpillar. I love that you are a type of mother nature, helping make butterflies. Blessings, stay cool , xoxo, Susie

  5. Beautiful. I could not do the maintenance required in your garden. Not enough patience.

  6. How nice. Your flowers are beautiful and so are your caterpillars.

  7. Your Hydrangeas look wonderful, such lovely blooms and colours.

    All the best JAn

  8. Your hydrangeas are gorgeous! So many pretty colors! The vase is perfect. Oh, no, sorry about the dill. I just planted dill for the first time, so I guess I will expect the same! The caterpillars are interesting, though. x K

  9. How wonderful to have so many colorful flowers and they do look just perfect in your vase. Those little stinkers eating your dill before you can even save some. They sure do look pretty with them though don't they :)

  10. I am going to try and grow some of these next year!!
    Yours are gorgeous!

  11. Thnking of you today, Debbie . Your hydrangeas are so so gorgeous!!! We are gonna plant some here

  12. hope you're ok Debbie. Take care

  13. I know they can be destructive little buggers, but I love caterpillars.

  14. Gorgeous blooms! They're doing very well! Love the caterpillar!

  15. Beautiful! I can almost smell them.
