
Saturday, July 15, 2023

Saturday Critters #500

 My sister lives in southwest Pa., in a little town called Waynesburg.
She hosts deer in her back yard all the time and is always excited to take pictures and send them to me.
This year, one of the doe had three little fawns, 
unusual, not that it does not happen, but deer usually have two.
She takes pictures with her cell phone, and can't wait to text them to me,
I need to buy her a big girl camera...she would be able to get amazing images.

Here's a peak out her living room window...

Congrats to Eileen for keeping this going 500 times!!

Sharing today's images with Eileen at 
Viewing Nature With Eileen 
for Saturday Critters


  1. Love all the green in those pics... and the deer too.

  2. It must be hard to grow vegetables there. I guess your sister manages to protect plants she values from the deer. They are a beautiful sight though.

  3. Hello Debbie,
    The deer are so sweet, always a treat to see. I was surprised to see 3 fawns a few weeks ago in Shenandoah NP. My first time seeing 3 little ones. They are adorable. Your sister took great photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post over the years. I appreciate the comments too. Take care, have a wonderful week!

  4. How wonderful, your sister lives in a lovely place. A perfect place to watch their habits and romping around! Lucky you!

  5. I live in Pennsylvania too and we too have lots of deer in our yards and I too use a cell phone for photos and don't get great close up shots. So nice to see the deer from her yard in nature.

  6. Oh wow! That is up close, too! We see them in the field, but never in the yard. I think three is pretty unusual, too.

  7. That's so cool! I love that your sister gets to see deer in her backyard so often. And three fawns is definitely unusual.

  8. I am trying to think how many fawns were at my brothers house this last time we went to stay with them, I did not know that two was the limit but I would think so, not much more room. I had to laugh because I always take pictures with my phone at my brothers too :)

  9. Lovely photographs, so nice to see the three fawns.

    All the best Jan

  10. So wonderful! And fun to share the joy with your sister. Our 'kids' in Colorado have the same kind of yard/neighborhood and i love to get their pictures.

  11. How cool to have a trio of fawns! Your sister has some fun visitors!
