Every 4th of July my niece Deanna's neighborhood has a parade for

Independence Day
We gather early at my nieces house and she
and her wonderful husband make brunch for everyone.
Then we go outside to decorate my great nieces bikes and the golf cart.
Golf carts are big in their neighborhood, most neighbors have one.
This is my great niece Lorelei.
The kids always wear very festive clothes,
and decorate themselves.
The neighborhood firetruck always leads the way...
Next come all of the golf carts.
This is my niece Deanna behind the wheel, her dad and some friends are with her.
Kids on bikes...
and people walking.
Here's my Lorelei on her purple bike...
and Addie is on her teal colored bike.
She is not so into having her picture taken anymore, I must learn to respect that.
The final jeep, it was a wonderful parade, everyone has a great time.
Looks like a fun parade, nice to see all those smiling happy people.
Take care, enjoy your day!
Never seen a green firetruck before; it blends into the trees next to the road. Love the Pledge of Allegiance on the front of one of the golf carts. I've heard it's not said daily in schools anymore. Seems like the whole town is in the parade. Thanks for saving us a seat at the curb. Linda in Kansas
Fun! So cool to see communities getting out like that. I seems like many people do not even know their neighbors nowadays. I loved that jeep at the end!
I love this sooooooo much!!!!!!!!!! So fun to see things like this. And that smile on Lorelei's face!!!! Priceless. Girls are growing up so fast.
How wonderful, thanks for sharing.
I love how everyone gets in the parade! That’s the spirit!
Oh how I love it! The Jeep is amazing and the kids on bikes is the best part! I'm keeping your Mom in my prayers...you too of course! Sweet hugs, Diane
what a colorful fun, festive, DAY!! loved the pictures. And your great neices are so cute! I love parades!
Great parade, Debbie! Our neighborhood does the same... but not as big as yours. Mostly decorated trucks, convertibles, bikes, etc. (no 4 wheelers). Some of the people throw candy!
This looks like so much fun! Love it! So nice to see neighbors celebrating together and all the kids having fun. Small town goodness. x K
That is a great fun tradition, our little town growing up would do this when my older siblings were young but by the time I was old enough they quit doing it. Now on our town festival they have a kids parade on Friday evening and then the adult parade on Saturday so I was right in the middle of the two and never got to do it.
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