
Friday, June 23, 2023

Lake Of The Lilies

 There's so much to see on just one lap, or two, around 
- Lake of the Lilies -
That's why we visit so often and we see something new each time we go!

There are a lot of both wildflowers and flowers people who live around the lake have planted.

Pretty flowers, there will be lots more.

It's Turtle season...

and this Egret has taken up residency at the lake, fishin' must be good!

Red Winged Blackbirds are everywhere

This Mallard Duck was sleeping but my presence alone woke him up.
- sorry buddy -

- and I have good news to report, all the swans are back -


  1. The turtles: It's camera season!


  2. Hello,
    It is nice of the neighbors to plant flowers near the lake, they do look pretty. I love the Turtles, the Egret, the Blackbird and the Mallard. I am glad the swans have returned too. Have a great weekend.

  3. The turtles are so cute! It's so nice to see flowers again.

  4. Lovely to see the turtles.
    So pleased the swans are back.

    All the best Jan

  5. The turtles… love them. I have never lived where they live. Sigh…

  6. Thanks for taking us along! The turtles look like statues. Linda in Kansas

  7. A wonderful place to spend a summer's Day! Great photos of all the life around the lake. I love the egret. x K

  8. Those turtles are big aren't they! Love when flowers grow along poles. Great news about the swans coming back :)
