
Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Bits And Pieces

It's so fun living by the shore...
there are signs of the ocean everywhere.

There has been a lot happening in the kitchen...
but I have only taken a few pictures of the things I have made.

Banana Bread 
I texted my good friend Liz, 
"I have some bananas that are rotting, do you happen to have a good recipe for Banana Bread?"

Within a minute this recipe came in a text...
with the comment "easiest recipe and it is fantastic every time"
She was right and it looks so pretty, right?

The hubs made these delicious pizzas with a Home Chef meal kit.
Ricotta cheese mixed with pesto, caramelized onions, sausage, tomatoes and parmesan cheese.
These were delicious.

A father and daughter fishing in the beaches close to my home, encountered this 
Great White Shark
What a huge combination of both thrilling and scary!

This year I planted  2 big patches of Wildflowers


and lots of Dill for the butterflies.

This cute little Chipmunk lives right outside my front door.

During a walk on the boardwalk I spotted this Bunny who clearly did not see the signs to 
"Keep Off The Dunes"

The Hibiscus everywhere are gorgeous, so pretty you just have to pull over to photograph them.

- we are all bits and pieces of flawless imperfections -


  1. Lovely series of photos. I love the cute bunny and chipmunk. The shark encounter would scare me. The hibiscus blooms are beautiful. Your plants look nice, growing well. I would love to try that pizza, yum!
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. Dear Debbie!
    The food looks very appetizing. The herb garden with dill and basil looks great. I love the animals featured on your blog.
    Hugs and greetings:)

  3. Barb and I make pizza on the grill about once a month. It is pretty much the only way we have pizza nowadays. That banana bread looks delicious. And that great white, how crazy would it be to see or hook that on your line?

  4. I am growing dill this year, inspired by you, Debbie. My garden is pathetic so far though.

    How fortunate you are to have such a cute little chipmunk around your yard! They are cuties!

  5. Love all the photos and that quote at the end!
    I need to plant some dill!! I don't know why I have not!

  6. Love the tree decorated with the starfish. - Also the bunny and chipmunk are so cute. Your garden seems to be doing very well and those hibiscus are stunning.

  7. Lovely photographs.
    That Chipmunk is cute :)

    All the best Jan

  8. Lovely pics, Debbie. I do have a great recipe for banana nut bread. Its in my King Arthur cookbook. And that pizza looks good too, but I wouldn't want the sausage (DH would). Also your garden looks great. Ours is already being affected by the heat here... but I did get several tomatoes already. The cucumber plant is going wild, but so far no cukes.

  9. I made some banana bread a couple weeks ago too, it was ok, hubby really liked it so that is the main thing. We have homemade pizza a couple times a month :)
    Oh my the shark thing probably would give me a heart attack.
    Looks like your garden is coming along nicely.
    The chipmunk and bunny are too cute.
