
Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Wild About Water

There is no bird "funner" to watch in the bird bath than a Robin, they take the best baths.
Scrubbing every part, they really are hysterical!
Of all my backyard birds, they use the bird bath most often and have the best time ever!
If you have never seen a Robin bathing, you will enjoy these pictures.

He hangs out here to dry...

- the wonders of h2-oh -


  1. LOL, they do look like they enjoy their bath time.
    So cute, love the photos. Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. Oh my goodness - such adorable photos! He does look like he is enjoying himself and he looks so refreshed afterwards! x K

  3. Fantastic photography Debbie! What joyful photos of the Robin enjoying his bath.:=)

  4. I am thankful that robins have a great sense of good hygiene. That one looks squeeky clean.

  5. Lovely to see Debbie.
    Robins are my favourite bird.

    All the best Jan

  6. I watched a Robin at my birdbath the other day. Yes, they really get into it and it is so fun to watch.

  7. I love when their feathers get all puffed up like that when they are bathing!

  8. Debbie, like you, I love to watch the birds in our birdbaths. So fun!! They really make a wild mess! LOL

  9. What a cutie it is. It looks like it has a great time in your bird bath.

  10. WOW! Incredible photography, Debbie!

    The details are amazing!

    Hugs and blessings
