
Monday, May 22, 2023

The Rains Finally Came

We have had some pretty beautiful spring days.
The temperatures have really fluctuated tho, from cold, cool, warm and hot...
we've had no rain...good for us, not for the farmers.
Not for my many friends who have planted gardens and are waiting for rain.
Saturday, the rains finally came and at times the rains looked like monsoon rains.
But it was also beautiful, soothing and calming...rain that needed to be photographed.
And when I walked outside, all you could smell was rain.

The birds were snuggled, 
so warm and dry in the nest they built every year in the awning on our back deck.
There are babies in the nest at the moment, I can hear them.
Once they take flight we the hubs will knock it down and they will come back and build another.
They are House Sparrows, they have 2 - 3 broods per year...lucky me.
If you are going to have babies at my home, I want to be able to see them, this nest is too high.
The nest is right at the back door on my deck, the one we use all the time 
and it is my favorite place to sit in my most comfortable chair.

And...don't envy me, they make a mess and have also caused holes in the canvas awning!

- those who say sunshine brings happiness have never danced in the rain -


  1. Can't say I ever danced in the rain but I always loved walking in it. Like you, I like to see the babes hatch, grow and leave an empty nest. I have several large bushes in the front yard and off and on through the yr there are families in them. Can't see them either. I hear them, but I don't even know what they are..

  2. Good that you got the rain, i am sure your flowers were singing :). Did you plant any veggies this year?
    I remember those birds messing with your awning last year, they just don't give up do they. I know our deck gets bird poo since I have the suet feeders just outside my window.

  3. Hello Debbie,
    It has been very dry here lately, we could use more rain here.
    I remember the birds nesting there last year, it is a shame they make a mess and cause holes! Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

  4. Like the Luke Bryan says ' Rain is a good thing'. We could use some here now, 1/4" a week would be about perfect to get these crops going and flourishing!

  5. Great shots of the rain! The birds obviously don’t mind the traffic from the back door.

  6. I love that first photo, especially. And I too love the smell of rain.

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  8. I LOVE the smell of rain. I always go for a walk in the rain, jump in the puddles, sometimes even hop and skip. Silly I know, but I love it! LOVE these photos.

