Thursday, May 25, 2023

The Great Outdoors...

 The end of spring is almost here, can you believe it?
Soon we will be in full summer mode and the pool will be open.
I have so many things to share with you, but I have been so busy 
- tending to things -

I have been planting wildflowers in the gardens and 
and VegTrug instead of vegetables like in previous years.
The vegetables have not been producing enough
and really block our view of the river.
I hope to get wildflowers I can cut and bring
into the house to brighten things up.

We planted 2 Milkweed Plants hoping to attract the Monarchs...

and lots of Dill to attract and feed my Black Swallowtails.

The hubs planted Vincas around the mailbox...

and around my favorite birdhouse.
Punch and Pure White
always look so pretty together.

My new house flag...

I stopped at a neighbors house to photograph this
I don't have any Peonies but I think I may have to get some.

Sunrise Gazebo 
We finished working late last night and instead of 
climbing on to the couch,
we decided to go for a walk at the reservoir, we needed fresh air.
Both of the pretty gazebos had lights on them.

We ran into 
Harry the Heron
He's back from last year in the exact same spot.
I took a lot of pictures I will share on another day!


BeachGypsy said...

Debbie I know I've said this before--- but y'all have the
PRETTIEST MAILBOX ever!!--- anywhere. I love your new house flag-- we planted our sunflowers a few days ago-- hope they are up soon and grow BIG!

Marie Smith said...

Love your flag. It so represents you, Debbie. So bright and cheerful!

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Those flowers look like a lot of work. Maybe you have some farmer blood in you afterall!

Leanne Coppola said...

I love your new flag! Everything looks so pretty. Glad you're feeling better and can get outside for fresh air.

Lowcarb team member said...

I do like your new flag :)

All the best Jan

eileeninmd said...


A garden of wildflowers sounds lovely. I like your mailbox and the pretty flag. It is always great to see the Herons, so glad it has returned. Take care, enjoy your day! Happy Memorial Day weekend!

Linda said...

Everything is so pretty!! You have a magic touch I think. I'm so glad y'all are enjoying this season! I am, too!

Conniecrafter said...

It is always nice to be able to bring in flowers from outside and nice to be able to grow your own dill. The flowers look great out front and I love your new flag! Peony's are gorgeous, growing up we had a whole bunch of them on the side of our house.

william hartman said...

Excellent job Embroidery Digitizing Websites