
Sunday, May 7, 2023

Saturday Critters #490

 Hello friends, the weekend flew by...
It is Sunday evening and I am looking through the pictures I took, 
and reflecting on the wonderful memories made these past few days.
The hubs has had a pretty bad cold, he described it as life or death...insert cough!
It was a bad one, it's going on 10 days now that he has not felt well.
We got out over the weekend for some great rides in the car and sightseeing...

I found this Mute Swan nest by a bridge in Manasquan,
well constructed, so that during high tide the nest is not under water.

Mama sleeping...

Papa guarding the nest.

A big beautiful nest, high and dry, very large.

Sharing today's images with Eileen at 
Viewing Nature With Eileen 
for Saturday Critters


  1. Beautiful swans.

    Thank you so much for your comment, I am excited to find time to write and be back. I'm still trying to figure out the changes here. I haven't figured out how to reply to comments. Any hints? Again so good to hear from you. Bonnie

  2. How lovely! I hope your husband is feeling better.

  3. I hope your husband is better and that YOU don't catch what HE had!!
    Such gorgeous pictures! You have a keen eye!!

  4. Hope your husband feels better soon. Our grandkids have had colds and we have stayed away. Love the swans!

  5. Dear Debbie!
    I hope your husband is feeling better. Beautiful pictures of swans.
    I wish you and your husband a lot of health and send my best regards.

  6. I am very sorry to hear that your hubby has such a horrible cold. Wishing him a speedy recovery.

    The swans are beautiful, great captures Debbie.

  7. I hope your husband is feeling better and that you keep well.

    I love the photographs you've shared.

    All the best Jan

  8. Beautiful swans! Can you muster hubby to the doc? Linda in Kansas

  9. Aren't they beautiful! Glad you all were able to get out, we haven't been out in some time, Greg is also sick, not sure if it is allergies or cold really. Hope they both get to feeling better soon!

  10. Hope your husband feels better soon. what a lovely swans with big nest!
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  11. I hope your husband is feeling much better now. It's allergy season here and I have irritating symptoms but not that bad. Take care! Love seeing your beautiful swans!

  12. I hope your husband is doing better by now. I am glad you were able to go out and enjoy this beautiful nesting pair. Gorgeous photos!!


  13. Hello Debbie,
    I hope your hubby is feeling better now! Beautiful swan photos, they are lovely birds to see. Sorry, I am late commenting! Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and the rest of the week! PS, thank you for leaving me a comment

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