
Monday, May 1, 2023

Is It Really May?

 It is May 1st and as much as I love winter, I am welcoming spring with much excitement!
Earth has woken up, come to life...the grass is green, the trees have their leaves, 
the birds are building their nests and beginning to lay eggs.

After the much needed rain we had this weekend, 
the sun is out and the sky looks beautiful.

The Dogwood Trees are just gorgeous, there is no other word to describe them.

- "may" your life be like a wildflower, growing freely in the beauty and joy of each day -


  1. I love this time of year though it is not as pretty here yet as it is there.

  2. Happy May! The Dogwoods did look beautiful this spring. Our is starting to loose the flowers. Take care, have a great week.

  3. Gorgeous! I love your photo's!

    The pink? YES!! Beautiful.

    I sent you an email, Miss Debbie.


  4. yes, I'm a bit surprised it's already May~ LOL. Beautiful pictures, like always!

  5. Those Dogwoods are gorgeous indeed.

  6. I feel like if I reach out I could touch these gorgeous flowers!!

  7. The flowers are beautiful with the sun shining on them, love those pink ones, glad you were able to get the rain you need!

  8. We don’t have dog wood trees here but they are beautiful !

  9. Beautiful blooms on the dogwood.
    I do enjoy the month of May :)

    All the best Jan

  10. Oh my, we really were on the same page today weren't we? :))) Gorgeous photos of equally gorgeous blooms.

  11. Our Dogfood blooms have come and gone a month or so ago...but I don't have any around me so I did not get to enjoy the short time they stay around. I really wished that spring lasted longer than it does. Beautiful pics.

  12. Dear Debbie!
    Your photos are beautiful, full of sunshine. Gorgeous dogwood flowers!
    I love spring, May but this year it is very cold and rainy. The sun is missing.

  13. Hello Debbie :=) Dogwood flowers are truly beautiful. I love this time of year, what I don't like are the extreme temperatures we are getting 40 degrees yesterday afternoon, and only 20 today, and it rained. We used to know what to wear every season, now you just don't know. The plants are suffering a lot with great heat one day, heat that burns petals and leaves, and then a great drop in temperature, with cold nights.Some of my one of a kind shrubs have been badly burnt. What happened to those reliable even May temperatures!!Perhaps you are getting better May weather!

  14. Time seems to fly faster and faster. I always love how light caught through flowers look so beautiful.

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