
Wednesday, April 5, 2023

The Ducks Of Winter

These ducks come for the winter and leave in the spring.
I took these pictures on March 26th and they were still here, they may be gone now.


Male Greater Scaup

Female Ruddy Ducks

Hybrid Duck

The turtles are back!

And on this day, there were a lot of daffodils.


  1. Hello,
    Love all the ducks, the Ruddy Duck is a favorite. The turtles are cute, I've seen some here too. It is nice and warm today. Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. Love that black and white duck-- scaup???-- he's so pretty. Spring has sprung !!!

  3. When I was a young lad, I thought for sure I wanted to be an ornithologist. Until I found out they just don't make enough money. Of those, the Scaup (we call them Bluebills) are my favorite. Speedy little birds!

  4. It's all so beautiful. Love that scaup duckie with the black speckles on his back. Linda in Kansas

  5. Beautiful. Once our snow has melted, I hope to see some of those ducks around here.

  6. Love the ducks but the turtles are exceptional. I love turtles and have never lived where they live.

  7. Nice to see the ducks, turtles and daffodils :)

    All the best Jan

  8. Beautiful day to capture the ducks before they go on their way. I always love seeing the turtles hanging out on tree trunks :) Topping off with blooming flowers, you can't beat that day!

  9. You get a great variety of waterfowl! These are so nice against the blue water! I've done some fishing recently and the turtles are definitely out!
