
Saturday, April 29, 2023

Saturday Critters #489

 It is that time of year again, the butterflies have begun to emerge.

If you have been following my blog for any length of time, 
you know that for several years I have been raising butterflies.
Love is all you really need,
a couple of cages, the herb dill to attract and feed them, and a little bit of patience.
Rather than explain the entire process today, you can read about my experiences,
herehere and here.
The last "here" link being my favorite when the kids next door helped me to release them.
I had so many chrysalis at the end of the "butterfly season" last year,
they overwintered in chrysalis form, in their cages, in my garage.
In spring, they emerge as beautiful butterflies and the whole process is just fascinating.

These are Black Swallowtail Butterflies 

This male emerged on Sunday April 23rd...

This one, also male, emerged on Friday April 28th.
This one did not fly off right away and appeared to have a broken wing.
If that is the case, there is nothing you can do to help the butterfly.

If you are interested, The Joyful Butterfly 
has a great website about raising butterflies indoors, you can check it out here.

Sharing today's images with Eileen at 
Viewing Nature With Eileen 
for Saturday Critters

Friday, April 28, 2023

The Unexpected

 We took a drive thru part of Allaire State Park at just about closing time.
I was looking for the deer and stumbled upon this beautiful garden, close to the entrance/exit.
We weren't going to pull off the drive for a look but decided to at the last moment, 
and boy was I glad we did.
Enjoy a look at this sweet little garden 
that looked as though it may have been planted and maintained by a local garden club.

There were so many flowering plants...

planters made from hollowed out trees...

beautiful planters and several hummingbird feeders.

It was the perfect time for viewing the garden, all the plants were in bloom.
This is Creeping Phlox in the backdrop, Pansies in front, in the tree trunk.

The climbing vine in this picture is Rocktrumpet or more commonly called Mandevilla.

Hummingbird Crossing

Mr. Handsome


This tree is a Japanese Flowering Crabapple

I am so glad we pulled off the main path, to have a look.
And it felt really awesome to be out for a ride!

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Getting My Mojo Back

 Hello friends...
isn't that a funny expression "getting my mojo back," almost as odd as "under the weather!"
mojo - what is that really?
I looked it up and there are several different definitions for mojo...
- magic power, magic charm -
that's not what I am implying!
- a quality that attracts people to you and makes you successful and full of energy -
that's not it either!
- a seemingly magical personal charm, power or influence over other people -
nope...not what I am going for!
- a power that may seem magical and that allows someone to be very effective, successful -
This is the closest, I guess mojo is a magical power...
I'm just getting my energy, power and routine back.

We went for a drive, some of the flowering trees are beginning to fade.
These are a few of the pictures I did not share in April 19th's post.

The Dogwoods are in bloom now and I hope to go for a drive today...
to see all of them!!

Monday, April 24, 2023

Under The Weather...

 isn't that a funny expression, "under the weather?"
I looked it up and it is a way to express that you are feeling unwell or ill.
Instead of saying "you feel sick" you can cleverly say "I am feeling under the weather."
Delightful..."I am feeling under the weather."

I would rather be sitting "under" this branch, sipping some sweet iced tea.

I am turning off comments, I know you all wish me well!!

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

All The Trees Have Bloomed...

 and the sky is blue...
I've been for a walk, on a spring day...

It may be warmer in California, but it could not be any prettier than here.
I took all of these pictures during a ride around my town.
I wish these trees stayed in bloom all season, they lift you up and make your spirits soar!

Monday, April 17, 2023

Spring Flowers

 My Hyacinth had a pretty good spring.
Their color was vibrant, a very deep purple,
with the typical highlights along the edges.
The flower itself was strong and healthy looking.
I have several along both sides of the fence line.

The 400 Tulips that the hubs planted did not do well at all.
We had 2 consecutive days of 90 + degree weather,
just as they were starting to bloom.
Plus, apparently we have deer in our neighborhood...
it's crazy.
But, people are picking up video of deer on their ring doorbells.

This is what they usually look like, this picture is from the spring of 2022!

We are working on taxes today, 
business and personal, our accountant always waits until the last minute!

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Saturday Critters #487

Welcome to Silver Lake...
the hubs and I do not visit here too often as it is a little further from home.
But we do visit regularly in the spring when 2 swans return and make a home on the small island here.
They spruce up last years nest, 
the Mrs. lays her eggs and both take turns keeping them safe and warm.
A few fun facts...
Mute Swans mate for life.
Just like elephants, swans never forget you, be kind to them.
Swans are highly intelligent, have sharp vision and impeccable hearing.
Mute Swans are very territorial, especially during mating season.
They live for a very long time.

One, either are always on the nest...

the other circles around in the water keeping watch on the nest and an eye out for predators.

I love this picture of the Red-Winged Blackbird amongst the reeds.

This is an American Coot
How sad to see the trash in the picture but I captured another Red-Winged Blackbird in the background.
They have returned in staggering numbers, I did a post just about them here.
I did not see any females.

Sharing today's images with
For Saturday Critters