
Monday, February 13, 2023

The Wishing Tree

There is a tree, in Manasquan, New Jersey...where you can make a wish
and hang your wish on a tree it's a 
Wishing Tree

There is a sign, at the base of the tree that reads...

Make A Wish

Here stands our Wishing Tree
For all the joy in the world that "can be."
Though it looks a little bare,
it would look very pretty adorned with the thoughts you want to share.
Please pick a tag, grab a marker, and write
A Hope or Dream
Make A Wish,
Seek Solace from Struggles,
Pray for a loved One...
When all done, find a wishing tree branch to hang your tag to display your words &
- watch your wishes float -

Take time to read some others, and together, 
let's grow kindness, nurture joy and cultivate gratitude day by day.

- my wish -

- what others wish for -

 - a wish of mine as well -

- the three wishes of every man, to be healthy, to be rich by honest means and to be beautiful -


  1. Hello,

    The wishing tree is wonderful, I am sure it makes people feel good to leave their wishes. I would wish for cures for all diseases, my family to be healthy and happy. Take care, have a wonderful week!

  2. Such a great idea. I pray your wish comes true!

  3. I had no idea.. what a beautiful idea. I wish you wish comes true.

  4. How neat! I love this idea and liked the one about school being shorter...oh and a pig! I pray for so many of these diseases to have a cure every day. Sweet hugs, Diane

  5. Buddy and I walked there this morning. I have a few wishes on there as well :) xoxo I LOVE your wish!

  6. Very cool tree. We don't have anything like that near us. Now I wonder what I would wish.

  7. That is neat....but what would be neater would be if a tree like this could really help make the wishes come true! Mine would be a cure for Fibromyalgia.

  8. Let all the good wishes come true!

  9. That is certainly one of my wishes too, along with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, both my brother is now dealing with.

  10. Oh, this is wonderful! So many beautiful wishes. I hope they all come true! Especially yours. xo K

  11. A wonderful idea, a tree of life and wishes. Praying you get your wish dear Debbie.

  12. What an excellent idea to have a wishing tree. I loved the pictures and the thoughts. Yes, it would be such a blessing to have a cure for many health problems. Praying that your wish will come true. I have a granddaughter that has seizures, so I wish for that to have a cure.
    I hope that all that place their wishes there will all come true.
    Blessings and hugs for this one!
