
Thursday, February 2, 2023

A Sprinkle Of Snow

I woke up to snow on Wednesday!
Some might call it a "microscopic" amount of snow...
minor, lightweight, little, meager, modest or minuscule...all of those fit the bill.
But it was our first and only snow this year, it was my snow and I was kind of excited.

Don't laugh...

The ice on the windows was so pretty.

- snowflakes are pretty patterns, etched in water's dreams -


  1. Snow is snow, no matter the amount. It does brighten up the landscape and brings a glow to the heart doesn't it?!?

  2. ooooh how kind of you jim, many thanks!!

  3. I could just about handle that much snow! But only that much ;>)..... one year when we were still home in Oregon there was an early heavy frost and I took a million pictures -- it had been a long time since I'd seen those beautiful patterns. .... your picture captures that magic way better than mine did.

  4. Hello Debbie,

    You had more snow than we had here. I am happy with just a light dusting of snow. Your flag is cute. Take care, have a happy day!

  5. Your scad of snow is pretty alright!

  6. We have enjoyed looking at the ice we have here in Texas!

    Your snow is beautiful!

  7. I heard on the news that you guys have had any snow in the north east, I think it is low everywhere, times sure are a changing since we were kids boy I remember some huge snow storms. At least you got something and I bet it was pretty coming down.

  8. Hello Debbie,:=) In all my life, it has only ever snowed once where I live, and it was very much like the light covering you have, Any sign of it was gone by the next day. We were ecstatic with this special occurrence. Our dogs went ballistic and We took many photos. Enjoy the light sprinkling and the beautiful frosted windows. I did!

  9. Nice to get a light dusting of snow ...

    All the best Jan

  10. Pretty!

    We had snow here in l989 (I think it was). We were all in shock. My next-door neighbor then, Dottie, said "well I'll still be going to church tomorrow!" The next day even all the bridges were frozen over. Poor Dottie! :)

  11. Some of our snow storms have been much like this. I like that pattern of ice on the windows too. I'm happy you had that little snowstorm to brighten your day.
