
Thursday, January 5, 2023

Is It Too Late For One More Christmas Post?

We never took our traditional drive around town to view Christmas Lights.
We saw a lot of homes decorated while we were out and about,
but never took one drive dedicated to looking at Christmas decorations and lights.
we passed this house in Point Pleasant and I asked the hubs to turn around so I could take some pictures.

It was just so festive and I knew the decorations were soon going to be packed away.

Ya gotta' love that seashore flare!

Afterward, we took a drive to Howe Street Beach to see the decorations there.
It is our favorite beach and they always decorate it for each and every holiday.

This is the seashell tree which they do every Christmas.
The tree is made with painted green shells,
each of the shells contain a message or a families name.

Mr. Snowman with candy cane arms.

Check out Santa's footwear!

I enjoy visiting every holiday to see the decorations, 
especially at Christmas.


  1. What a beautiful house, they do love the Christmas decorations.
    I like the shell tree and snowman. Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. Love those non traditional decorations especially!

  3. Dear Debbie!
    It's never late for such beautiful posts.
    Have a nice weekend:)

  4. I love Christmas posts. Have a great day.

  5. Love this, Debbie. So glad you shared... house is great and you're right all will be taken down soon. And loved the beach decorations especially the shell tree!

  6. Thanks for the tour. That's decor we don't see in landlocked Kansas! Linda in Kansas

  7. Theses are fun to see. I’ve noticed that there are a lot of dinosaur Christmas decorations, which seems pretty odd.

  8. I absolutely love this, Debbie!

    Thanks for the delightful tour.

    Wishing you a joyous and blessed 2023!

  9. I don't think it's too late for such a beautiful post.
    Lovely to see, I am so pleased you shared these photographs.

    All the best Jan

  10. I am glad you decided to share they do a really nice job at decorating, even looks good in the daylight.
    We were supposed to take our down today but Greg isn't feeling well, and this girl doesn't do ladders.
