
Saturday, December 3, 2022

Hello December

December came in like a lion...strong driven rain and ferocious winds.

When this happened, we thought a plane hit the house,
it was that loud!
That's just one branch from a huge maple tree, and 
the tree is now leaning toward the house.
We had a tree company visit yesterday and it must be removed.
It's a beautiful tree, but it has to go...

It is the maple tree all the way to the left, behind the dogwood.
The tree is huge and was here when we built this house...
I will be sad to see it go.

The Gingerbread House won the Great Christmas Light Fight!


  1. Hello Debbie,
    Happy December to you! Sorry about the maple tree has to come down, it is best to keep the house safe. Take care, have a great weekend!

  2. Oh wow, that is a big tree I can only imagine how loud that must have been, looks like it did a little damage to the house too, that will be a lot of shade gone now. Glad you all were not hurt.

    Looks like I picked the winner :)

  3. Oh Debbie! I am so happy the damage wasn’t worse and that you are both okay!

  4. I am glad you are okay after the tree hit your house. The noise must have been scary.

  5. Glad the falling branch didn't do too much damage, Debbie. I hate to have to cut down trees... especially those that have been there so long. But you do what you have to do.

  6. I took one look at your photographs and thought ...Oh NO!
    So pleased you are both ok, the noise must have been very scary.

    It is a shame when a tree has to go but sometimes it is the only option.

    Take care of yourselves.

    All the best Jan

    PS Yes, the Gingerbread House did look lovely, a well-deserved win :)

  7. I'm so sorry that happened and I know you hate to lose this tree! Hope everything can get done soon. Hugs to you, Diane

  8. Oh no! What a beautiful tree. It would make some awesome firewood though, do you deliver?

  9. That is a huge beautiful tree and so sorry it has to go. Hope the damage on the house can be repaired easily.

  10. I love the tree. Have a wonderful day.
