
Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Clark Griswold And More

This house is decorated in the same fashion as the 
Clark Griswold house in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation plus they have way more.
Some say it is a bit much...
I would rather go and see it and think about all the Christmas spirit this family has.
All the work that has gone in to this display.
This home is right here in my town and we pass it pretty often.
They do this every year, have there own radio station to tune in to,
and a Facebook Page to boot.
The lights dance to the music, so you have to time your picture just right, to get all of the lights lit!

The homeowner comes out every so often,
dressed as Santa or the Grinch.
This is an awesome display for kids of all ages.
And some adults too!


  1. Hello,
    It is nice to find neighborhood homes decorated like this, they must really love Christmas. Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. Oh wow, these are great! Thanks for another cheery and festive post Debbie, and if I don't get back to you before January 1st, Happy New Year!

  3. Lovely to see.

    Enjoy these last few days of December and my good wishes for 2023.

    All the best Jan

  4. That is work for sure but it looks great! Enjoyment for so many!

  5. Wow I can't imagine the time and effort that goes into decorating this much, and all the syncing that has to happen with the music, sounds like he really gets into it if he is dressing up and coming out to talk with people too!

  6. WOW!!!! That is one amazing display!!

  7. People have a choice when they see something like this. Some go negative and think about the time, money and energy that goes into this display. Others think about the joy, passion and spirit. I would much rather hang out with the latter; negative people are no fun at all!

  8. Wow, that is quite the home decoration. It would take a lot of work. It's so cute, and I enjoyed all of the fun photos. Of course, that movie is a favorite, for sure. Sometimes, some of the things that happen in the family can make a little sense, but the story line is fun.
    Blessings and hugs!

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