
Friday, October 14, 2022


 I have been staring at the computer...what should I share?
Chuck and I were in a terrible car accident.
Chuck was driving, the accident was not his fault, but here we are anyway.
I was in the hospital for 4 days, my left wrist is broken in 2 places, I have 2 broken ribs,
and I am so grateful that Chuck was not hurt.
I will spare you all the nitty - gritty details...I am so happy to be home and doing well.
"Purple" Debbie has taken on a whole new meaning.

I am not sure of the future of this blog, I am taking things one day at a time.

And if you had any doubt the color of my cast...

here it is, Purple!!!


  1. So sorry to hear this Take your time to recover. your blog is the first one I look for every day!

  2. I am so sorry to hear this, Debbie! Get well soon.


  3. Oh no! I've been missing you but had no idea you were dealing with this. I hope and pray you heal completely. Take care of yourself and try not to worry. Sending you lots of hugs, your lavender buddy Diane

  4. Oh Gosh! How unfortunate! Please heal nicely and know we're thinking of you. Linda in Kansas

  5. I am so sorry Debbie. I am glad you are home and doing better. I am so glad Chuck wasn't hurt. My husband was in a wreck recently. Not his fault either, but I know how disturbing it is. Get well soon.

  6. Debbie, that is so sad and scary to be in that accident. I am praying you are healing quickly and completely.

  7. OMG, Debbie! So sorry to hear this. I will keep you and hubby in my prayers... but please do continue to blog once you are on the mend again. I would miss you if you quit. Take care, my friend.

    I was in an accident a few years ago... not a bad one, cars damaged but no one hurt, just bruises from the airbags, etc. Still it was traumatic for me. I can still 'feel' the impact and the shock of it. I no longer feel comfortable driving (and am a bit nervous when being driven).

  8. Hello Debbie,
    I am so sorry to hear about the car accident. Sending you healing prayers and wishes for a speedy recovery. Take care, rest and spend your time healing.

  9. Wow, that is horrible! As bad as a broken wrist and ribs are, thankfully it was not worse. Hoping you a speedy recovery!

  10. I broke my wrist in a fall this year. I am out of cast however I cannot get it to quit hurting or to support things. I pray you have better luck.

  11. Oh my goodness, Debbie, I had been wondering where you were. I am so, so sorry! My warmest wishes to you both for a speedy recovery. You will be in my Prayers! Hugs!!

  12. I have been thinking about you and I am really sorry to hear this. Wishing you a speedy and full recovery.


  13. Hope you heal well soon, and don't you dare stop your blog!

  14. Oh, Debbie. I missed you! I am glad you are both ok. I hope you heal quickly my friend! I also hope you continue with your blog when you are up to taking photos again.

  15. Debbie, I'm so very sorry about the car accident, but grateful that neither of you was hurt worse. Broken ribs are miserable and I'm sure that your wrist is as well. You are both in my prayers. I missed you and hope that you decide to continue your blog once you can physically do it. I love your pictures and stories that go with them. You are very creative with your photos, writing, knitting, decorating, gardening, and more (including your purple cast!). I wish you to be without pain soon and to know that you are appreciated.

  16. I am so sorry!!! Will be praying fervently for you and Chuck - mainly for YOU! And of course your cast is PURPLE!!!!!
    Love you and take care of yourself......I pray you heal quickly.....

  17. What a shock to read this and so sorry you were hurt. Broken bones are no fun. Take care and will pray for your healing.

  18. I just got back from Michigan a couple days ago trying to catch up with everyone and I see this, so sorry to hear about your accident, and that you were hurt, I am so glad you are well enough to come home.
    Will pray for quick healing and I am sure you are a bit shook up, praying that you will have peace once again.
    Sending hugs to you

  19. Hello Debbie

    O M G I'm so sorry to hear of your accident, and your injuries. You probably remember that I broke both of my wrists in a fall in the garden, and the following year broke three of my ribs in another fall, So I know how you feel. Time and rest are the only way to recover. I'm so glad Chuck wasn't injured, at least he can help you to do certain things you won't be able to do for yourself.
    Thinking of you and wishing you all the best.
    ps Your purple cast is awesome. :=)

  20. I am so sorry to read this, Debbie.
    Sending you and Chuck my very good wishes.
    Lots of healing wishes coming across the miles.

    All the best Jan

    PS Love the purple cast :)

  21. Oh no! I am so sorry to hear that. Thank God you both are all right. Take your time to rest and recover.

  22. Oh no, how horrifying Debbie!!! So very sorry to read all this. You do what is best for you and know that I send you all the best healing vibes I can muster. I am shaking my head at this, so glad you are out of the hospital and that Chuck is okay. And yes, I love the purple cast because that's you dear Debbie. Sending you lots of love and a big hug!

  23. Holy smokes, Debbie. I'm so sorry for what you went through and what you're still going through. I'm glad your husband is OK. But wow! I'm sending you hugs from Hawaii and a wish for faster healing.

  24. Oh, my sweet friend, I am so sad about your accident. I know you are having pain on this one. Broken bones and ribs are very painful. I will pray that you recover quickly and won't give up blogging. I feel bad that you were in the hospital for 4 days; that is the worst. But I am deeply grateful that your sweet husband is OK. I smiled at your purple cast. You really are a purple lady, and I love it.
    Prayers, blessings, and hugs for you!

  25. I am so, so sorry this happened to y'all. I hope you're healing well now and of course the cast is purple! :)

    Having broken my wrist when I was a child, but so glad nothing else has been broken except 'well' I did fall in a hole a couple of weeks ago and scraped up an arm and leg.

