
Thursday, August 25, 2022

Miss. Mamma Mallard

It was an especially beautiful day for a drive in the car.
We decided on Lake of the Lilies where I spotted this Female Mallard resting in the overgrowth.
Playing beside her were 2 baby goslings. 
I assume she birthed more but they were lost to larger prey.
awwww...the circle of life!
Marrards, they always look so sweet, so they are smiling!!

The little ones were adorable, 
frolicing about in the grass until momma guestered to them to rest underneath her.

Perhaps she saw me and was worried about her little ones being hurt.
They were not outrightly visible here in the overgrowth, she was doing a good job of protecting them.

I also spotted this bird which looks to be a Juvenile Chipping Sparrow.

- not every lake dreams to be an ocean, blessed are the ones who are happy with whom they are -


  1. Love the picture of the mommy--- yes they do look like they are smiling!! She looks so serene!!! And those soft fluffy babies!!!--- so cute! How is your week going Debbie

  2. Love those babies. Yes the circle of life gives us hope. Beautiful pictures. I enjoy your posts such beautiful scenery.

  3. Cute series on the Mallards, the babies are adorable.
    Have a great day!

  4. The ducklings are adorable. The Black Ducks of the salt marsh have only one surviving duckling this year! Most years there were at least seven or eight!

  5. The Mallards are a beautiful bird.

  6. You are probably right, there had to be more than 2 eggs in her clutch. Beautiful pictures!

  7. Oh those babies are just the cutest, I love how fluffy they look, nice tall grass to keep them safe :)

  8. Fabulous photos of feathered friends, especially the cute babies.

  9. Lovely series of photographs.

    All the best Jan

  10. Hello Debbie, :=) Lovely captures of the Mallard family. The chicks are so cute. I also like the little Sparrow. Both species are often overlooked, just because they are a common sight but they deserve a second look.
    Best wishes.
