
Saturday, July 2, 2022

Saturday's Critters #446

 We have had many long and short drives in the car.
Visited many lakes, ponds, bodies of water and parks.
Although we have enjoyed the rides, 
I have not been seeing many interesting birds or notable wildlife.

There are 2 Egrets living at Lake of the Lilies, both very skittish and difficult to photograph.
One full grown, one is very tiny.
I took pictures of the tiny one, but none are "shareable"!

Great Egret
Is an elegant, stately, pure white, heron-like bird.
Larger than the Snowy Egret, it is present here only during spring and summer.

Red-Winged Blackbirds are everywhere at the lake.
This Blackbird is contender for North America's most abundant bird.
It is present year round here and has a beautiful, unforgettable song/call!

Killdeer also abundant and easy to photograph.
Boldly marked, long legged, noisy plover, they are present in this area year round.

Sharing today's images with Eileen at 
for Saturday Critters


  1. nice

  2. I love the backgrounds in your photos. The blue water is pretty and I love the Kildeer and the sand. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. Quite a difference in size from the egret to the Kildeer. Great photos, Debbie!

  4. Hello Debbie :=) It's taken me a while to get here, but it's always a pleasure. Beautiful captures of all the birds. Killdeer, Black bird, and Great Heron, with lovely backgrounds.
    My best wishes,
    All the best.

  5. Beautiful shots, I especially like the killdeer!

  6. GREAT photos! Wow!
    Love from Titti

  7. Those red-winged blackbirds have got to send more babies to Kansas. I only see one a year. Linda in Kansas

  8. Gorgeous photos as usual. Would you believe the WORDLE word for today was EGRET and my granddaughter didn’t know what it was?

  9. Hello Debbie,
    I was sure I left a comment for you, thanks for linking up and sharing your post. I enjoyed the beautiful Egrets, Red-winged Blackbird and the sweet Killdeer. It is nice to have these lakes and spots just a drive away.
    Take care, have a happy new week!

  10. I enjoyed all of your shots and also enjoyed liearning their names. Thanks..

  11. Oh that Egret is so pretty all white like that. I will have to say my favorite is those killdeer they are just so cute with their pretty markings!
    Happy 4th!!
