
Saturday, June 11, 2022

Saturday's Critters #443

 I was outside watering my garden, 
when this adorable Song Sparrow hopped in to the bird bath to cool off.
A bird familiar to my yard, it is a sweet looking sparrow with a rather long tail.
Sexes are similar, so I'm not sure if this is a boy or girl.

Sharing today's images with Eileen at 
for Saturday Critters


  1. Adorable little sparrow and I also like the design on your birdbath :)

  2. Your captions would be....awwww that feels SO good! I love these sweet birds!

  3. Those little sparrows are precious! EVERY time I make birdbath photos they just turn out a big BLUR!! LOL rainy day here in hot charleston! Happy weekend

  4. I love the Song Sparrows and their song. Great shots of bath time.

  5. Hello Debbie,
    Adorable captures of the Song Sparrow's bath time. They always look like they are enjoying themselves splashing. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  6. Awww such sweet photographs Debbie, what an adorable sparrow.

    All the best Jan

  7. i've never had a bird bath my grandma Mary had one and i think on it often as an adult ...they always look like they are having such fun. my baths are never that exciting. lol. we are enjoying a rainy day Sunday. so nice. i wish i had known it would rain because i watered my plants. oopies. lol!! have a great rest of your weekend. take care. ( ;

  8. We have a fountain and a pool with rock waterfall and see many birds taking baths. It is always fun.

  9. Great action shots. Love these little birds.

  10. Oh my goodness life is great and they love what you've given them!

  11. These pictures are beautiful, I love birds and have a similar bird bath in my garden. We get a lot of collared doves here. (I think I have spelt that right :-)

  12. Awe that sweet song sparrow is so cute in the bath. I am in awe that you have a camera at all times to get great images like this sweet guy.

  13. I don't think I've ever seen a Song Sparrow taking a bath! The birds are loving the water right now!
